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Information about a piece of news titled A nine-test screening battery for athletes – how reliable is it?

A nine-test screening battery for athletes – how reliable is it?


A recently published study has shown that the screening battery is easy to use and require minimal equipment. The tests can be used by physiotherapists/health care professionals to test the athletes’ movement quality and to reveal functional  weaknesses.

In an article published in the Scandinavian Journal of Medicine and Science in Sports a detailed description of a nine-test screening battery is given.


The screening battery consists of nine different tests to identify and analyze functional imbalances in the movement pattern of athletes.


Useful battery

The aim of this study was to evaluate the tests inter- and intra-rater reliability on a group of male elite soccer players.


Eight physiotherapists assessed the performance quality of the screening test on 26 male soccer players. The assessments were done individually and independently.



A week after the first round of tests 18 of the players were tested again by the same physiotherapists.


The results show no significant difference between the physiotherapists who tested the players, nor between tests I and II.


Cheap and simple

The test battery is easy to use for familiarized professionals, and requires minimal equipment.


However, the research group behind this study says that, further studies are needed to confirm the validity of the test battery in injury prevention, rehabilitation and performance enhancement.


Read the whole article as published in Scandinavian Journal of Medicine and Science in Sports (pdf).