Personal page of Lars Engebretsen
Details about researcher: Lars Engebretsen

Lars Engebretsen
Lars Engebretsen is a professor emeritus and consultant at the Orthopedic Clinic, University of Oslo Medical School and professor and co-chair of the Oslo Sports Trauma Research Center.
He is also a consultant and former Chief Doctor for the Norwegian Federation of Sports, and headed the medical service at the Norwegian Olympic Center until the autumn of 2011. In 2007 he was appointed Head of Science and Research for the International Olympic Comittee (IOC).
Lars Engebretsen is a specialist in Orthopaedic and general surgery and authorized as Sports Medicine Physician (Idrettslege NIMF) by the Norwegian Society of Sports Medicine. He serves as chief team physician for the Norwegian Olympic teams.
The main area of research is resurfacing techniques of cartilage injuries, combined and complex knee ligament injuries and prevention techniques of sports injuries. He is currently the President of ESSKA (European Society of Sports Traumatology, Knee Surgery and Arthroscopy).
He is the Associate editor and Editor in chief for the new IOC-BJSM journal: Injury Prevention and Health Protection. In addition, he serves on several major sports journal editorial boards and has published more than 200 papers and book chapters.
Predicting Outcome of Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction Through Machine Learning Analysis of National Knee Ligament Registries
Project manager: Kyle Martin, Gilbert Moatshe, Roald Bahr, Lars Engebretsen
Improving the Treatment of Anterior Cruciate Ligament Tears in Norway – who should have surgery?
Project manager: Caroline Kooy Tveiten
Non-op. study
Project manager: Caroline Kooy Tveiten
Trends in pediatric ACL-reconstructions in Norway (2005-2019)
Project manager: Caroline Kooy Tveiten
Return to sport and knee function in the Norwegian Knee Ligament Registry
Project manager: Hege Grindem
Better and safer return to sport after anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction (BEAST)
Project manager: Hege Grindem
Biomechanical properties of quadriceps tendon fixation on the tibia and femur
Project manager: Marc Strauss
Material properties of the quadriceps tendon: Full-thickness vs partial-thickness graft
Project manager: Marc Strauss
Anatomy and vascularity of the quadriceps tendon in a young population
Project manager: Marc Strauss
Biomechanical effects of meniscal ramp lesion on ACL reconstruction graft force
Project manager: Nicholas DePhillipo
Clinical characteristics and outcomes following primary ACL reconstruction and meniscal ramp repair
Project manager: Nicholas DePhillipo
Identification, treatment, and time of repair for medial meniscal ramp lesions at time of ACL surgery
Project manager: Nicholas DePhillipo
Incidence and detection of meniscal ramp lesions in anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction patients
Project manager: Nicholas DePhillipo
Effect of meniscocapsular and meniscotibial lesions in ACL-deficient and ACL-reconstructed knees: a biomechanical study
Project manager: Nicholas DePhillipo
Quantitative and qualitative assessment of the posterior medial meniscus anatomy: defining meniscal ramp lesions
Project manager: Nicholas DePhillipo
Double-bundle reconstructions in Scandinavia, a register study of 60,775 patients.
Project manager: Cathrine Aga
Development of a pilot cartilage surgery registry
Project manager: Cathrine Nørstad Eftang
The Paediatric Anterior Cruciate Ligament Monitoring Initiative (PAMI)
Project manager: Håvard Moksnes
Single-bundle versus double-bundle ACL reconstruction; a prospective, randomized controlled study of 120 patients
Project manager: Cathrine Aga
An analysis of the quality of cartilage repair studies
Project manager: Rune B. Jakobsen
Video analysis of injuries among World Cup freestyle athletes
Project manager: Stefan Randjelovic
Focal cartilage defects in the knee and life quality
Project manager: Stig Heir
Knee joint kinematics in non-contact ACL injury situations from female team handball and basketball
Project manager: Tron Krosshaug
Nordic Football Injury Audit – Injury surveillance in the first leagues of Sweden (Allsvenskan) and Norway (Tippeligaen)
Project manager: John Bjørneboe
Mechanisms of ACL injury inbasketball: video analysis of 39 cases
Project manager: Tron Krosshaug
Validation of the visual inspection approach in video analysis
Project manager: Tron Krosshaug
Video analysis of acute injuries in Norwegian male professional football
Project manager: Thor Einar Andersen
Football Incident Analysis (FIA): A new video-based method to analyse injury-risk situations in professional football
Project manager: Thor Einar Andersen
Relationship between symptoms of jumper`s knee and the ultrasound characteristics of the patellar tendon among high level male volleyball players
Project manager: Roald Bahr, Øystein Lian
Injury mechanisms for head injuries in football
Project manager: Thor Einar Andersen
Mechanisms of injuries and incidents in Icelandic soccer - Match analysis
Project manager: Arni Arnason
Injury mechanisms for ACL injuries in team handball - a video analysis
Project manager: Odd-Egil Olsen
Injury mechanisms for ankle injury in Scandinavian elite football
Project manager: Thor Einar Andersen
Injuries in young players in Norwegian team handball
Project manager: Odd-Egil Olsen
Association between difference floor types and the incidence of ACL injuries in team handball
Project manager: Odd-Egil Olsen
Risk factors for ankle injury in Scandinavian elite football
Project manager: Arni Arnason
The prevalence of jumpers knee among elite Norwegian athletes
Project manager: Øystein Lian
Optimal microenviroment for cartilage repair: vascular or avascular?
Project manager: Asbjørn Årøen
Mechanisms for non-contact ACL injuries in sports - A systematic review
Project manager: Roald Bahr
Alpine collision injuries - a 6-year injury registration
Project manager: Roar Rønning
Clinical, functional and radiological outcome 6-10 years after ACL-injuries in team handball players - a follow-up study
Project manager: Grethe Myklebust
Innervation of the patellar ligament in patients with jumper`s knee
Project manager: Øystein Lian
Individual risk factors for injuries in Icelandic soccer
Project manager: Arni Arnason
Articular cartilage lesions of the knee - a prospective arthroscopic study
Project manager: Asbjørn Årøen
Prevention of hamstrings strains in football
Project manager: Arni Arnason
Prevention of injuries in soccer through increased awarenes of injury situations
Project manager: Arni Arnason
Prevention of knee and ankle injuries among young players in Norwegian team handball
Project manager: Odd-Egil Olsen
Prevention of ACL injuries in Norwegian female team handball
Project manager: Grethe Myklebust
Prevention of football injuries: an intervention study
Project manager: Anders Engebretsen
A model-based image-matching technique for 3D reconstruction - application to ACL injury situations
Project manager: Tron Krosshaug
Characteristics of the leg extensors in male volleyball players with jumper`s knee - a case-control study
Project manager: Øystein Lian
Dynamic characteristics of the extensor apparatus among volleyball players with jumper`s knee - a cohort study
Project manager: Øystein Lian, Per Egil Refnes
The role of the referee: a video analysis of the interpretation of the rules of football in injury-risk situations in professional football
Project manager: Thor Einar Andersen
Cartilage injuries. The use of stem cells in joint resurfacing
Project manager: Rune B. Jakobsen
Natural course of cartilage injuries in the knee
Project manager: Sverre Løken
A national register for ACL injuries
Project manager: Lars-Petter Granan
Knee dislocations with vascular injuries – a review article
Moatshe, Gilbert; Engebretsen, Lars
Danish Medical Journal 2024 Feb 26;71(3):A08230529. doi: 10.61409/A08230529
External validation of the Norwegian anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction revision prediction model using patients from the STABILITY 1 Trial
Martin, Kyle; Marmura, Hana; Wastvedt, Solvejg; Pareek, Ayoosh; Persson, Andreas; Moatshe, Gilbert; Bryant, Dianne; Wolfson, Julian; Engebretsen, Lars; Getgood, Alan
Knee Surgery, Sports Traumatology, Arthroscopy 2024 Feb;32(2):206-213
Unsupervised Machine Learning of the Combined Danish and Norwegian Knee Ligament Registers: Identification of 5 Distinct Patient Groups With Differing ACL Revision Rates
Martin, Kyle; Wastvedt, Solvejg; Pareek, Ayoosh; Persson, Andreas; Visnes, Håvard; Fenstad, Anne Marie; Moatshe, Gilbert; Wolfson, Julian; Martin, Lind; Engebretsen, Lars
American Journal of Sports Medicine 2024 Mar;52(4):881-891
The gender and sex data gap in anterior cruciate ligament injuries in paediatric patients
Engebretsen, Lars; Møller, Merete; Kooy Tveiten, Caroline E.v W; Yamaguchi, Tetsuo; Moatshe, Gilbert
Knee Surgery, Sports Traumatology, Arthroscopy 2024 Oct;32(10):2500-2504.
Rehabilitation, Decision-Making, and Return to Pivoting Sports in Athletes 1–3 Years After ACL Reconstruction: A Nationwide Study
Kooy Tveiten, Caroline E v.W; Bache-Mathiesen, Lena Kristin; Jakobsen, Rune B; Engebretsen, Lars; Persson, Andreas; Myklebust, Grethe; Fenstad, Anne Marie; Grindem, Hege
JOSPT Open 2024. Advance publication: doi/10.2519/josptopen.2024.0087 (Online ahead of print)
Snow sports-specific extension of the IOC consensus statement: methods for recording and reporting epidemiological data on injury and illness in sports
Spörri, Jörg; McGawley, Kerry; Alhammoud, Marine; Bahr, Roald; Dios, Caitlin; Engebretsen, Lars; Gilgien, Matthias; Gouttebarge, Vincent; Hanstock, Helen; Haugvad, Lars; Hörterer, Hubert; Kastner, Tom; Mitterbauer, Gerald; Mountjoy, Margo; Wagner, Kathrin; Noordhod, Dionne A; Ruedl, Gerhard; Scherr, Johannes; Schobersberger, Wolfgang; Soligard, Torbjørn; Steidl-Müller, Lisa; Rebne Stenseth, Oleane Marthea; Uhrenholdt Jacobsen, Astrid; Valtonen, Maarit; Westin, Maria; Clarsen, Ben; Verhagen, Evert
British Journal of Sports Medicine 2024 Nov 7:bjsports-2024-108720. doi: 10.1136/bjsports-2024-108720. Online ahead of print.
Good validity in the Norwegian Knee Ligament Register: assessment of data quality for key variables in primary and revision cruciate ligament reconstructions from 2004 to 2013
Midttun, Espen; Torheim Andersen, Morten; Engebretsen, Lars; Visnes, Håvard; Fenstad, Anne Marie; Gjertsen, Jan-Erik; Persson, Andreas
BMC Musculoskelet Disorder 2022:Mar 9;23(1):231:Page 1-7
Epidemiology of International Match Injuries in Scottish Rugby: A Prospective Cohort Study
Bailey Stuart, John; Martindale, Russel; Engebretsen, Lars; Robson, James Peter; Palmer, Debbie
International Journal of Sports Medicine 2023 Oct;44(11):805-812.
The Long-Term Risk of Knee Arthroplasty in Patients with Arthroscopically Verified Focal Cartilage Lesions: A Linkage Study with the Norwegian Arthroplasty Register, 1999 to 2020
Birkenes, Thomas; Furnes, Ove; Laastad Lygre, Stein Haakon; Solheim, Eirik; Aarøen, Asbjørn; Knutsen, Gunnar; Drogset, Jon Olav; Heir, Stig; Engebretsen, Lars; Løken, Sverre; Visnes, Håvard
The Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery 2023 Jun 21;105(12):951-961
Utilization of Imaging for Severe Injuries at the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympic Games
Drury, Anne; Engebretsen, Lars; Steffen, Kathrin; Soligard, Torbjørn; Liu, Ran; Forster, Bruce B.
Canadian Association of RadiologistJournal 2023 Nov 20:8465371231212110. doi: 10.1177/08465371231212110. Online ahead of print.
Adolescent Athlete With Semimembranosus Tendinopathy Requiring Operative Intervention: A Case Report and Review of the Literature
Mansour, Damian; Strauss, Marc Jacob; Larmo, Arne; Engebretsen, Lars
Orthopaedic Journal of Sports Medicine 2023 Feb 2;11(2):23259671221147556. doi: 10.1177/23259671221147556. eCollection 2023 Feb.
International Olympic Committee (IOC) consensus paper on sports-related ophthalmology issues in elite sports
Moe, Morten Carstens; Özmert, Emin; Baudouin, Christophe; Binadra, Abhinav; Crafoord, Sven; Jo, Young; Kiratli, Hayyam; Moore, Melita; Pitsiladis, Yannis P; Rolle, Udo; Tan, Ben; Yanik, Özge; Budgett, Richard; Erdener, Ugur; Steffen, Kathrin; Engbretsen, Lars
BMJ Open Sport & Exercise Medicine 2023 Jul 19;9(3):e001644. doi: 10.1136/bmjsem-2023-001644. eCollection 2023.
A Machine Learning Model Demonstrates Excellent Performance in Predicting Subscapularis Tears Based on Pre-Operative Imaging Parameters Alone
Oeding, Jakob; Pareek, Ayoosh; Nieboer, Micha; Rhodes, Nicholas; Tiegs-Heiden, Christin; Camp, Christopher; Martin, Kyle; Moatshe, Gilbert; Engebretsen, Lars; Sanchez-Sotelo, Joaquin
Arthroscopy 2023 Sep 15:S0749-8063(23)00766-1. doi: 10.1016/j.arthro.2023.08.084. Online ahead of print.
The International Olympic Committee Venue Ultrasound Program: A Pilot Study from Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games
Onishi, Kentaro; Engebresten, Lars; Budgett, Richard; Soligard, Torbjørn; Forster, Bruce
American Journal of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation 2023 102(5):p 449-453
Behind the podium and the glory: the IOC Olympian Health Cohort
Palmer, Debbie; Soligard, Torbjørn: Engebretsen, Lars
British Journal of Sports Medicine 2023 Nov;57(21):1339-1340
Olympic Games during nationwide lockdown: Sports injuries and illnesses, including COVID-19, at the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics
Soligard, Torbjørn; Palmer, Debbie; Steffen, Kathrin; Lopes, Alexandre Dias; Grek, Natalia; He, Xuan; Wang, Yan; Grant, Marie-Elaine; Toresdahl, Brett G; Gilgien, Matthias; Budgett, Richard; Engebretsen, Lars
British Journal of Sports Medicine 2023 Oct 24:bjsports-2023-107412. doi: 10.1136/bjsports-2023-107412. Online ahead of print
Return to Pivoting Sports after Cartilage Repair Surgery of the Knee: A Scoping Review
Toyooka, Seikai; Moatshe, Gilbert; Persson, Andreas; Engebretsen, Lars
Cartilage 2023 Mar;14(1):17-25
Predicting subjective failure of ACL reconstruction: a machine learning analysis of the Norwegian Knee Ligament Register and patient reported outcomes
Martin, Kyle; Wastvedt, Solvejg; Pareek, Ayoosh; Persson, Andreas; Visnes, Håvard; Fenstad, Anne Marie; Moatshe, Gilbert; Wolfson, Julain; Engebretsen, Lars
Journal of ISAKOS 2022:Vol 7(3): Pages 1-9
Ceiling Effect of the Combined Norwegian and Danish Knee Ligament Registers Limits Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction Outcome Prediction
Martin, Kyle; Wastvedt, Solvejg; Pareek, Ayoosh; Persson, Andreas; Visnes, Håvard; Fenstad, Anne Marie; Moatshe, Gilbert; Wolfson, Julian; Lind, Martin; Engebretsen, Lars
American Journal of Sports Medicine 2023 Jul;51(9):2324-2332
Major Increase in Incidence of Pediatric ACL Reconstructions From 2005 to 2021: A Study From the Norwegian Knee Ligament Register
Kooy Tveiten, Caroline E v. W; Jakobsen, Rune B.; Fenstad, Anne Marie; Persson, Andreas; Visnes, Håvard; Engebretsen, Lars; Ekås, Guri Ranum
American Journal of Sports Medicine 2023 Sep;51(11):2891-2899
Prevalence of and factors associated with osteoarthritis and pain in retired Olympians compared with the general population: part 1 – the lower limb
Palmer, Debbie; Cooper, Dale; Whittaker, Jackie L; Emery, Carolyn; Batt, Mark E; Engebretsen, Lars; Schamasch, Patrick; Shroff, Malav; Soligard, Torbjørn; Steffen, Kathrin; Budgett, Richard
British Journal of Sports Medicine 2022:56(19):1123-1131
Prevalence of and factors associated with osteoarthritis and pain in retired Olympians compared with the general population: part 2 – the spine and upper limb
Palmer, Debbie; Cooper, Dale; Whittaker, Jackie L; Emery, Carolyn; Batt, Mark E; Engebretsen, Lars; Schamasch, Patrick; Shroff, Malav; Soligard, Torbjørn; Steffen, Kathrin; Budgett, Richard
British Journal of Sports Medicine 2022:56(19):1132-1140
ACL Reconstruction Patients Have Increased Risk of Knee Arthroplasty at 15 Years of Follow-up: Data from the Norwegian Knee Ligament Register and the Norwegian Arthroplasty Register from 2004 to 2020
Visnes, Håvard; Gifstad, Tone; Persson, Andreas; Låstad Lygre, Stein Håkon; Engebretsen, Lars; Drogset, Jon Olav; Furnes, Ove
JB & JS Open Access 2022 Jun 21;7(2):e22.00023. eCollection 2022 Apr-Jun.
Machine learning algorithm to predict anterior cruciate ligament revision demonstrates external validity
Martin, Kyle R; Wastved, Solvejg; Pareek, Ayoosh; Persson, Andreas; Visnes, Håvard; Fenstad, Anne Marie; Moatshe, Gilbert; Wolfson Julian; Lind, Martin; Engebretsen, Lars
Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc. 2022 Feb;30(2):368-375. doi: 10.1007/s00167-021-06828-w. Epub 2022 Jan 1.
Self-reported sports injuries and later-life health status in 3357 retired Olympians from 131 countries: a cross-sectional survey among those competing in the games between London 1948 and PyeongChang 2018
Palmer, Debbie; Cooper, Dale; Emery, Carolyn; Batt, Mark E; Engebretsen, Lars; Scammell, Birgitte; Schamasch, Patrick; Shroff, M; Soligard, Torbjørn; Steffen, Kathrin; Whittaker; Jackie L; Budgett, Richard
British Journal of Sports Medicine 2021:55(1):46-53.
Response letter to "Higher re-rupture rate in quadriceps tendon ACL reconstruction surgeries performed in Denmark: let's return to the mean" by Matthieu Ollivier (Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc. doi: 10.1007/s00167-019-05751-5)
Lind, Martin; Strauss, Marc ; Nielsen, Torsten; Engebretsen, Lars
Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc. 2020 Nov;28(11):3657-3658.
Quadriceps tendon autograft for anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction is associated with high revision rates - results from the Danish Knee Ligament Registry
Lind, Martin; Strauss, Marc J; Nielsen, Torsten; Engebretsen, Lars
Knee Surgery, Sports Traumatology, Arthroscopy (2020) 28:2163–2169
Low surgical routine increases revision rates after quadriceps tendon autograft for anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction - results from the Danish Knee Ligament Reconstruction Registry
Lind, Martin; Strauss, Marc J; Nielsen, Torsten; Engebretsen, Lars
Knee Surgery, Sports Traumatology, Arthroscopy (2021) 29:1880–1886
Effect of concomitant meniscal lesions and meniscal surgery in ACL reconstruction with 5-year follow-up - a nationwide prospective cohort study from Norway and Sweden of 8408 patients
Ulstein, Svend; Årøen, Asbjørn; Engebretsen, Lars; Forssblad, Magnus; Røtterud, Jan Harald
The Orthopaedic Journal of Sports Medicine 2021, 9(10), 23259671211038375 DOI: 10.1177/23259671211038375
Low Rates of Radiographic Knee Osteoarthritis 5 Years After ACL Reconstruction or Rehabilitation Alone: The Delaware-Oslo ACL Cohort Study
Pedersen, Marie; Grindem, Hege; Berg, Bjørnar; Gunderson, Ragnhild; Engebretsen, Lars; Axe, Michael J; Snyder-Mackler, Lynn; Risberg, May Arna
Orthopaedic Journal of Sports Medicine 2021: 9(8)
Assessing implementation, limited efficacy, and acceptability of the BEAST tool: A rehabilitation and return-to-sport decision tool for nonprofessional athletes with anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction
Moksnes, Håvard; Ardern, Clare L; Kvist, Joanna; Engebretsen, Lars; Risberg, May Arna; Myklebust, Grethe; Grindem, Hege
Physical Therapy in Sports 2021:52:147-154
Preliminary experience of an international orthopaedic registry: the ESSKA Paediatric Anterior Cruciate Ligament Initiative (PAMI) registry
Mouton, Caroline; Moksnes, Håvard; Janssen, Rob; Fink, Christian; Zaffagnini, Stefano; Monllau, Juan Carlos; Ekås, Guri; Engebretsen, Lars; Seil, Romain
Journal of Experimental Orthopaedics 2021:8(1):45
Qualitative and Quantitative Anatomy of the Human Quadriceps Tendon in Young Cadaveric Specimens
Strauss, Marc; Kennedy, Mitchell L; Brady, Alex; Moatshe, Gilbert; Chahla, Jorge; LaPrade, Robert F; Lind, Martin; Engebretsen, Lars
The Orthopaedic Journal of Sports Medicine 2021 Sep 14;9(9)
Full thickness quadriceps tendon grafts with bone had similar material properties to bone-patellar tendon-bone and a four-strand semitendinosus grafts - a biomechanical study
Strauss, Marc J; Miles, Jon W; Kennedy, Mitchell L; Dornan, Grant J; Moatshe, Gilbert; Lind, Martin; Engebretsen, Lars; LaPrade, Robert F
Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc. 2021 Sep 30. doi: 10.1007/s00167-021-06738-x. Online ahead of print.
Clinical, Functional, and Physical Activity Outcomes 5 Years Following the Treatment Algorithm of the Delaware-Oslo ACL Cohort Study
Pedersen, Marie; Grindem, Hege; Johnson, Jessica L; Engebretsen, Lars; Axe, Michael J; Snyder-Mackler, Lynn; Risberg, May Arna
The Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery 2021:103(16):1473-1481
Predicting Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction Revision: A Machine Learning Analysis Utilizing the Norwegian Knee Ligament Register
Martin, Kyle R; Wastvedt, Solvejg; Pareek, Ayoosh; Persson, Andreas; Visnes, Håvard; Fenstad, Anne Marie; Moatshe, Gilbert; Wolfson, Julian; Engebretsen, Lars
The Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery 2022 Jan 19;104(2):145-153
Low annual hospital volume of anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction is not associated with higher revision rates
Martin, Kyle R; Persson, Andreas; Moatshe, Gilbert; Fenstad, Anne Marie; Engebretsen, Lars; Drogset, Jon Olav; Visnes, Håvard
Knee Surgery, Sports Traumatology, Arthroscopy; official journal of the ESSKA 2022 May;30(5):1575-1583
International Olympic Committee consensus statement: methods for recording and reporting of epidemiological data on injury and illness in sport 2020 (including STROBE Extension for Sport Injury and Illness Surveillance (STROBE-SIIS))
Bahr, Roald; Clarsen, Ben; Derman, W; Dvorak, Jiri; Emery, CA; Finch, CF; Hägglund, Martin; Junge, Astrid; Kemp, Simon; Khan, Karim M; Marshall, SW; Meeuwisse, W; Mountjoy, M; Orchard JW; Pluim, B; Quarrie, KL; Reider, B; Schwellnus, M; Soligard, Torbjørn; Stokes, KA; Timpka, T; Verhagen, E; Bindra, A; Budgett, Richard; Engebretsen, Lars; Erdener, Uğur; Chamari, K
British Journal of Sports Medicine 2020:54(7):372-389
Compensation Claims After Knee Cartilage Surgery Is Rare. A Registry-Based Study From Scandinavia From 2010 to 2015
Frøseth Aae, Tommy; Bjerkestrand Lian, Øystein; Årøen, Asbjørn; Engebretsen, Lars; Randsborg, Per-Henrik
BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders 2020:21(1):287
Does Surgery Reduce Knee Osteoarthritis, Meniscal Injury and Subsequent Complications Compared With Non-Surgery After ACL Rupture With at Least 10 Years Follow-Up? A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
Lien-Iversen, Teodor; Morgan, Daniel Barklin; Jensen, Carsten; Risberg, May Arna; Engebretsen, Lars; Viberg, Bjarke
British Journal of Sports Medicine 2020:54(10):592-598
Evidence Too Weak to Guide Surgical Treatment Decisions for Anterior Cruciate Ligament Injury: A Systematic Review of the Risk of New Meniscal Tears After Anterior Cruciate Ligament Injury
Ekås, Guri Ranum; Ardern, Clare L; Grindem, Hege; Engebretsen, Lars
British Journal of Sports Medicine 2020:54(9):520–527
Injuries in Elite Women's Ski Jumping: Surveillance Through the 2017-18 FIS World Cup Season
Stenseth, Oleane Marthea Rebne; Barli, Sindre Fløtlien; Martin, Richard Kyle; Engebretsen, Lars
British Journal of Sports Medicine 2020:54(1):44-48.
Activity and functional readiness, not age, are the critical factors for second anterior cruciate ligament injury — the Delaware-Oslo ACL cohort study
Grindem, Hege; Engebretsen, Lars; Axe, Michael; Snyder-Mackler, Lynn; Risberg, May Arna
British Journal of Sports Medicine 2020:Feb 11th (Epub ahead of print)
How do the new Olympic sports compare with the traditional Olympic sports? Injury and illness at the 2018 Youth Olympic Summer Games in Buenos Aires, Argentina
Steffen, Kathrin; Soligard, Torbjørn; Mountjoy, Margo; Dallo, Ignacio; Gessara, Alan Maximiliano; Giuria, Hernan; Alamino, Leonel Perez; Rodriguez, Joaquin; Salmina, Natalia; Veloz, Daniel; Budgett, Richard; Engebretsen, Lars
British Journal of Sports Medicine 2020:54(3):168–175
MRI-detected Spinal Disc Degenerative Changes in Athletes Participating in the Rio De Janeiro 2016 Summer Olympics Games
Abdalkader, Mohamad; Guermazi, Ali; Engebretsen, Lars; Roemer, Frank W; Jarraya, Mohamed; Hayashi, Daichi; Crema, Michel D; Mian, Asim Z
BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders 2020:21(1):45
CAM-type femoroacetabular impingement in male elite junior cross-country skiers and non-athlete controls: a cross-sectional MRI study
Seven, Simen Andreas; Martin, Kyle; Alhaug, Eivind; Engebretsen, Lars
BMJ Open Sport and Exercise Medicine 2019: published online June 30
Knee pathology in young adults after paediatric ACL injury - a prospective case series of 47 patients with a mean 9.5-yr follow-up
Ekås, Guri Ranum; Laane, Marit Mjelde; Larmo, Arne; Moksnes, Håvard; Grindem, Hege; Risberg, May Arna; Engebretsen, Lars
American Journal of Sports Medicine 2019 Jun;47(7):1557-1566
Similar risk of ACL graft revision for alpine skiers, football and handball players: the graft revision rate is influenced by age and graft choice
Ekeland, Arne; Engebretsen, Lars; Fenstad, Anne Marie; Heir, Stig
British Journal of Sports Medicine 2019: published online Aug 9
2018 International Olympic Committee Consensus statement on prevention, diagnosis, and management of pediatric anterior cruciate ligament injuries
Ardern, Claire; Ekås, Guri; Grindem, Hege; Moksnes, Håvard; Anderson, AF; Chotel, F; Cohen, Michael; Forssblad, Michael; Ganley, TJ; Feller, JA; Karlsson, Jon; Kocher, MS; LaPrade, RF; McNamee, M; Mandelbaum, Bent; Micheli, L; Mohtadi, Nicholas; Reider, Bruce; Roe, JP; Seil, Romain; Siebold, R; Silvers-Granelli, Holly; Soligard, Torbjørn; Witvrouw, Eric; Engebretsen, Lars
Orthop J Sports Med 2018:21:6(3):2325967118759953
Sports Injuries at the Rio de Janeiro 2016 Summer Olympics: use of diagnostic imaging services
Guermazi, Ali; Hayashi, D; Jarraya, M; Crema, MD; Bahr, Roald; Roemer, Frank; Grangeiro, Juao: Budgett, Richard; Soligard, Torbjørn; Domingues, R; Skaf, A; Engebretsen, Lars
Radiology 2018:287(3):922-932
Imaging-detected acute muscle injuries in athletes participating in the Rio de Janeiro 2016 Summer Olympic Games
Crema, MD; Jarraya, M; Engebretsen, Lars; Roemer, Frank; Hayashi, D; Domingues R; Skaf,AY; Guermazi, A
Br J Sports Med 2018:52(7):460-464
Epidemiology of imaging-detected tendon abnormalities in athletes participating in the Rio de Janeiro 2016 Summer Olympics
Jarraya, M; Crema, MD; Engebretsen, Lars; Teytelboym, OM; Hayashi, D; Roemer, Frank; Skaf, AY; Guermazi, A
Br J Sports Med 2018:52(7):465-469
The Concussion Recognition Tool 5th Edition (CRT5): background and rationale
Echemendia; Ruben; Meeuwisse, Winne; McCrory, Paul; Davis, GA; Putukian, M; Leddy, J; Makdissi, M; Sullivan, SJ; Broglio, SP; Raftery, M; Schneider, K; Kissick, J; McCrea, M; Dvořák, Jiri; Sills, AK; Aubry, Mark; Engebretsen, Lars; Loosemore, Mike; Fuller, Gorden; Kutcher, J; Ellenbogen, R; Guskiewicz, K; Patricios, Jon; Herring, S
British Journal of Sports Medicine 2017:51(11):870-871
The Sport Concussion Assessment Tool 5th Edition (SCAT5): background and rationale
Echemendia, Ruben; Meeuwisse, Winne; McCrory, Paul; Davis, GA; Putukian, M; Leddy, J; Makdissi, M; Sullivan, SJ; Broglio, SP; Raftery, M; Schneider, K; Kissick, J; McCrea, M; Dvořák, Jiri; Sills, AK; Aubry, Mark; Engebretsen, Lars; Loosemore, Mike; Fuller, Gorden; Kutcher, J; Ellenbogen, R; Guskiewicz, K; Patricios, Jon; Herring, S
British Journal of Sports Medicine 2017:51(11):848-850
New meniscal tears after ACL injury: what is the risk? A systematic review protocol
Ekås, Guri Ranum; Ardern, Claire; Grindem, Hege; Engebretsen, Lars
British Journal of Sports Medicine 2018:52(6):386
What strategies can be used to effectively reduce the risk of concussion in sport? A systematic review
Emery, Carolyn; Black, Amanda; Kolstad, A; Martinez, G; Nettel-Aguirre, A; Engebretsen, Lars; Johnston, K; Kissick, J; Maddocks, D; Tator, C; Aubry, Mark; Dvořák, Jiri; Nagahiro, S; Schneider, Kathryn
British Journal of Sports Medicine 2017:51(12):978-984
Cohen's MRI scoring system has limited value in predicting return to play
Hamilton, Bruce; Wangensteen, Arnlaug; Whiteley, Rod; Almusa, E; Geertsema, L; Targett, Steven; Tol, Johannes
Knee Surgery of Sports Traumathology Arthroscopy 2018:26(4):1288-1294
Epidemiology of imaging-detected bone stress injuries in athletes participating in the Rio de Janeiro 2016 Summer Olympics
Hayashi, D; Jarraya, M; Engebretsen, Lars; Crema, M; Roemer, Frank; Skaf, A; Guermazi, A
British Journal of Sports Medicine 2018:52(7):470-474
Clinical outcomes of knee osteoarthritis treated with an autologous protein solution injection: a 1-year pilot double-blinded randomized controlled trial
Kon, Elisabeth; Engebretsen, Lars; Verdonk, Peter; Nehrer, S; Filardo, G
American Journal of Sports Medicine 2018:46(1):171-180
A multilayer biomaterial for osteochondral regeneration shows superiority vs microfractures for the treatment of osteochondral lesions in a multicentre randomized trial at 2 years
Kon, Elisabeth; Filardo, G; Brittberg, M; Busacca, M; Condello, V; Engebretsen, Lars; Marlovits, S; Niemeyer, P; Platzer, P; Posthumus, M; Verdonk, P; Verdonk, R; Victor, J; van der Merwe, W; Widuchowski, W; Zorzi, C; Marcacci, M
Knee Surgery, Sports Traumatology, Arthroscopy 2017: Published online Sep 14
Knee stability and movement coordination impairments: knee ligament sprain revision 2017
Logerstedt, DS; Scalzitti, D; Risberg, May Arna; Engebretsen, Lars; Webster, KE; Feller, J; Snyder-Mackler, L; Axe, MJ; McDonough, CM
Journal of Orthopaedic and Sports Physical Therapy 2017:47(11):A1-A47
IOC consensus statement: dietary supplements and the high-performance athlete
Maughan, Ron; Burke, LM; Dvorak, J; Larson-Meyer, DE; Peeling, P; Phillips, SM; Rawson, ES; Walsh, NP; Garthe, I; Geyer, H; Meeusen, R; van Loon, LJC; Shirreffs, SM; Spriet, LL; Stuart, M; Vernec, A; Currell, K; Ali, VM; Budgett, RG; Ljungqvist, A; Mountjoy, M; Pitsiladis, YP; Soligard, T; Erdener, U; Engebretsen, Lars
British Journal of Sports Medicine 2018:52(7):439-455
5th International Conference on Concussion in Sport (Berlin)
McCrory, Paul; Meeuwisse, Winne; Dvořák, Jiri; Echemendia, Ruben; Engebretsen, Lars; Feddermann-Demont, N; McCrea, M; Makdissi, M; Patricios, Jon; Schneider, KJ; Sills, AK
British Journal of Sports Medicine 2017:51(11):837
Consensus statement on concussion in sport-the 5th international conference on concussion in sport held in Berlin, October 2016
McCrory, Paul; Meeuwisse, Winne; Dvořák, Jiri; Aubry, Mark; Bailes, Julian; Broglio, Steven; Cantu, Robert; Cassidy, David; Echemendia, Ruben; Castellani, Rudy; Davis, Gavin; Ellenbogen, Richard; Emery, Carolyn; Engebretsen, Lars; Feddermann-Demont, Nina; Giza, Christopher; Guskiewicz, Kevin; Herring, Stanley; Iverson, Grant; Johnston, Karen; Kissick, James; Kutcher, Jeffrey; Leddy, John; Maddocks, David; Makdissi, Michael; Manley, Geoff; McCrea, Michael; Meehan, William; Nagahiro, Shinji; Patricios, Jon; Putukian, Margot; Schneider, Kathryn; Sills, Allen; Tator, Charles; Turner, Michael; Vos, Pieter
British Journal of Sports Medicine 2017:51(11):838-847
High prevalence of knee osteoarthritis at a minimum 10-year follow-up after knee dislocation surgery
Moatshe, Gilbert; Dornan, G; Ludvigsen, Tom; Løken, Sverre; LaPrade, Rob; Engebretsen, Lars
Knee, Surgery, Sports Traumatology, Arthroscopy 2017:25(12):3914-3922
Clinical and radiologic outcomes after scaphoid fracture: injury and treatment patterns in national football league combine athletes between 2009 and 2014
Moatshe, Gilbert; Godin, JA; Chahla, Jorge; Cinque, ME; Kennedy, NI; Sanchez, G; Beaulieu-Jones, BR; LaPrade, Rob; Provencher, MT
Arthroscopy 2017:33(12):2154-2158
Medial patellar instability: a systematic review of the literature of outcomes after surgical treatment
Moatshe, Gilbert; Cinque, ME; Kruckeberg, BM; Chahla, Jorge; LaPrade, Rob
Arthroscopy 2017:33(8):1587-1593
Biological treatment of the knee with platelet-rich plasma or bone marrow aspirate concentrates
Moatshe, Gilbert; Morris, ER; Cinque, ME; Pascual-Garrido, C; Chahla, Jorge; Engebretsen, Lars; Laprade, Rob.
Acta Orthopaedica 2017:88(6):670-674
Demographics and injuries associated with knee dislocation: a prospective review of 303 patients
Moatshe, Gilbert; Dornan, GJ; Løken, Sverre; Ludvigsen, Tom; LaPrade, Rob; Engebretsen, Lars
Orthopaedic Journal of Sports Medicine 2017:22;5(5):2325967117706521
The influence of graft tensioning sequence on tibiofemoral orientation during bicruciate and posterolateral corner knee ligament reconstruction: a biomechanical study
Moatshe, Gilbert; Chahla, Jorge; Brady, AW; Dornan, GJ; Muckenhirn, KJ; Kruckeberg, BM; Cinque, ME; Turnbull, TL; Engebretsen, Lars; LaPrade, Rob
American Journal of Sports Medicine 2018:46(8):1863-1869
Health promotion through sport: international sport federations' priorities, actions and opportunities
Mountjoy, Margo; Costa, A; Budgett, Richard; Dvorak, Jiri; Engebretsen, Lars; Miller, S; Moran, Jane; Foster, J; Carr, J
British Journal of Sports Medicine 2018:52(1):54-60
Effect of concomitant cartilage lesions on patient-reported outcomes after anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction: a nationwide cohort study from Norway and Sweden of 8470 patients with 5-year follow-up
Ulstein, Svend; Årøen, Asbjørn; Engebretsen, Lars; Forssblad, Magnus; Lygre, S; Røtterud, Jan Harald
Orthopeadic Journal of Sports Medicine 2018:24:6(7):2325967118786219
No difference in the KOOS Quality of Life subscore between anatomic double-bundle and anatomic single-bundle anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction of the knee: a prospective randomized controlled trial with 2 years’ follow-up
Aga, Cathrine; Risberg, May Arna; Fagerland, Morten; Johansen, Steinar; Trøan, I; Heir, Stig; Engebretsen, Lars.
American Journal of Sport Medicine 2018: Published online July 18
Inside-out repair of meniscal ramp lesions
DePhillipo, Nicholas N;Cinque, Mark C; Kennedy, Nicholas I; Chahla, Jorge; Geeslin, Andrew G; Moatshe, Gilbert; Engebretsen, Lars; LaPrade, Robert F
Arthroscopy Techniques 2017:6(4):e1315-e1320
Effect of meniscocapsular and meniscotibial lesions in ACL-deficient and ACL-reconstructed knees: a biomechanical study
DePhillipo, Nicholas; Moatshe, Gilbert; Brady, A; Chahla, Jorge; Aman, Z; Dornan, G; Nakama, G; Engebretsen, Lars; LaPrade, Rob
Am J Sports Med 2018: Published online May 1
Incidence and detection of meniscal ramp lesions on magnetic resonance imaging in patients with anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction
DePhillipo; Nicholas; Cinque, ME; Chahla, Jorge; Geeslin, AG; Engebretsen, Lars; LaPrade, Rob
American Journal of Sports Medicine 2017:45(10):2233-2237
The 6-m timed hop test is a prognostic factor for outcomes in patients with meniscal tears treated with exercise therapy or arthroscopic partial meniscectomy: a secondary, exploratory analysis of the Odense-Oslo meniscectomy versus exercise (OMEX) trial
Kise, Nina; Roos, Eva Maria; Stensrud, Silje; Engebretsen, Lars; Risberg, May Arna
Knee Surgery, Sports Traumatology and Arthroscopy 2018: published online Nov 16
Quantitative and qualitative assessment of the posterior medial meniscus anatomy. Defining meniscal ramp lesions
DePhillipo, Nicholas; Moatshe, Gilbert; Chahla, Jorge; Aman, Zach; Storaci, Hunter; Morris, Elisabeth; Robbins, Collin; Engebretsen, Lars; LaPrade, Robert
American Journal of Sports Medicine 2018: published online Dec 7
The ESSKA paediatric anterior cruciate ligament monitoring initiative
Moksnes, Håvard; Engebretsen, Lars; Seil, Romain
Knee surgery, sports traumatology, arthroscopy:official journal of the ESSKA 2016:24(3):680-687
Risk of Revision Was Not Reduced by a Double-bundle ACL Reconstruction Technique: Results From the Scandinavian Registers
Aga, Cathrine; Kartus, JT; Lind, M; Lygre, SHL; Granan, Lars- Petter; Engebretsen, Lars
Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research 2017 475(10):2503–2512
Development of a pilot cartilage surgery register
Engen, Cathrine Nørstad; Årøen, Asbjørn; Engebretsen, Lars
BMC Musculoskelet Disorders 2017:18(1):282
Sports injury and illness incidence in the Rio de Janeiro 2016 Olympic Summer Games: A prospective study of 11274 athletes from 207 countries
Soligard, Torbjørn; Steffen, Kathrin; Palmer, Debbie; Alonso, Juan Manuel; Bahr, Roald; Lopes, Alex; Dvorak, Jiri; Grant, Marie Elaine; Meeuwisse, Winne; Mountjoy, Margo; Costa, Leo; Salmina, Natialia; Budgett, Richard; Engebretsen, Lars
British Journal of Sports Medicine 2017:51(17):1265-1271
Gymnastics injury incidence during the 2008, 2012 and 2016 Olympic Games: analysis of prospectively collected surveillance data from 963 registered gymnasts during Olympic Games
Edouard, Pascal; Steffen, Kathrin; Junge, Astrid; Leglise, Michelle; Soligard, Torbjørn; Engebretsen, Lars.
British Journal of Sports Medicine 2018:52(7):475-481
Tunnel widening in single- versus double-bundle anterior cruciate ligament reconstructed knees
Aga, Cathrine; Wilson, Katharine J; Johansen, Steinar; Dornan, Grant; La Prade, Robert F; Engebretsen, Lars
Knee Surgery Sports Traumatology Arthroscopy 2017:25(4):1316-1327
The Vertical Drop Jump Is a Poor Screening Test for ACL Injuries in Female Elite Soccer and Handball Players: A Prospective Cohort Study of 710 Athletes
Krosshaug, Tron; Steffen, Kathrin; Kristianslund, Eirik Klami; Nilstad, Agnethe; Mok, Kam-Ming; Myklebust, Grethe; Andersen, Thor Einar; Holme, Ingar; Engebretsen, Lars; Bahr, Roald
American Journal of Sports Medicine 2016:44(4):874-883
Intertunnel relationships in the tibia during reconstruction of multiple knee ligaments How to avoid tunnel convergence
Moatshe, Gilbert; Slette, Erik L; Engebretsen, Lars; LaPrade, Robert F
American Journal of Sports Medcine 2016:44(11):2864-2869
Multiple ligament reconstruction femoral tunnels intertunnel relationships and guidelines to avoid convergence
Moatshe, Gilbert; Brady, AW; Slette, EL; Chahla, J; Turnbull, TL; Engebretsen, Lars; LaPrade, Robert F
American Journal of Sports Medicine 2017:45(3):563-569
Changes in knee osteoarthritis, symptoms, and function after anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction: A 20-year prospective follow-up study
Risberg, May Arna; Oiestad, Britt Elin; Gunderson, Raghnhild; Aune, Arne Kristian; Engebretsen, Lars; Culvenor, Adam; Holm, Inger
American Journal of Sports Medicine 2016:44(5):1215-1224
How much is too much? (Part 2) - International Olympic Committee consensus statement on load in sport and risk of illness
Schwellnus, Martin; Soligard, Torbjørn; Alonso, Juan-Manuel; Bahr, Roald; Clarsen, Ben; Dijkstra, Paul; Gabbett, Tim; Gleeson, Michael; Hägglund, Martin; Hutchinson, Mark; Van Rensburg, Christa; Meeusen, Romain; Orchard, Johan; Pluim, Babette; Raftery, Martin; Budgett, Richard; Engebretsen, Lars
British Journal of Sports Medicine 2016:50(17):1043-1052
How much is too much? (Part 1) - International Olympic Committee consensus statement on load in sport and risk of injury
Soligard, Torbjørn; Schwellnus, Martin; Alonso, Juan-Manuel; Bahr, Roald; Clarsen, Ben; Dijkstra, Paul; Gabbett, Tim; Gleeson, Michael; Hägglund, Martin; Hutchinson, Mark; Van Rensburg, Christa; Khan, Karim; Meeusen, Romain; Orchard, Johan; Pluim, Babette; Raftery, Martin; Budgett, Richard; Engebretsen, Lars
British Journal of Sports Medicine 2016:50(17):1030-1041
Sports injuries and illnesses in the Lillehammer 2016 Youth Olympic Winter Games
Steffen, Kathrin; Moseid, Christine Holm; Engebretsen, Lars; Søberg, Pia K; Amundsen, Olav; Holm, Kristian; Moger, Thomas; Soligard, Torbjørn
British Journal of Sports Medicine 2017:51(1):29-35
No negative effect on patient-reported outcome of concomitant cartilage lesions 5–9 years after ACL reconstruction
Ulstein, Svend; Bredeland, Karin; Årøen, Asbjørn; Engebretsen, Lars; Røtterud, Jan Harald
Knee Surgery, Sports Traumatology, Arthroscopy 2017:25(5):1482-1488
Why registries analysing cruciate ligament surgery are important
Engebretsen, Lars; Forssblad, Magnus; Lind, Martin
British Journal of Sports Medicine 2015:49(10):636-638
Associations between inadequate knee function detected by KOOS and prospective graft failure in an anterior cruciate ligament-reconstructed knee
Granan, Lars-Petter; Baste, Valborg; Engebretsen, Lars; Inacio, Maria CS
Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc 2015:23(4):1135-1140
How does a combined preoperative and postoperative rehabilitation programme influence the outcome of ACL reconstruction 2 years after surgery? A comparison between patients in the Delaware-Oslo ACL Cohort and the Norwegian National Knee Ligament Registry
Grindem, Hege; Granan, Lars-Petter; Risberg, May-Arna; Engebretsen, Lars; Snyder-Mackler, Lynn; Eitzen, Ingrid
British Journal of Sports Medicine 2015:49(6):385-389
Proportion of Patients Reporting Acceptable Symptoms or Treatment Failure and Their Associated KOOS Values at 6 to 24 Months After Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction:A Study From the Norwegian Knee Ligament Registry
Ingelsrud, Lina H; Granan, Lars-Petter; Terwee, Caroline B; Engebretsen, Lars; Roos, Ewa M
American Journal of Sports Medicne 2015:43(8):1902-1907
Radiographic identification of the anterior and posterior root attachments of the medial and lateral menisci
James, EW; LaPrade, CM; Ellman, MB; Wijdicks, CA; Engebretsen, Lars; LaPrade, Robert F;
American Journal of Sports Medicine 2014:42(11):2707-2714
Consequences of tibial tunnel reaming on the meniscal roots during cruciate ligament reconstruction in a cadaveric model, part 1 - the anterior cruciate ligament
LaPrade, Christopher M; Smith, Sean D; Rasmussen, Matthew T; Hamming, Mark G; Wijdicks, Coen A; Engebretsen, Lars; Feagin, John A; LaPrade, Robert F
American Journal of Sports Medicine 2015:43(1):200-206
Biomechanical consequences of a nonanatomic posterior medial meniscal root repair
LaPrade, Christopher M; Foad, Abdullah; Smith, Sean D; Turnbull, Travis Lee; Dornan, Grant J; Engebretsen, Lars; Wijdicks, Coen A; LaPrade, Robert F
American Journal of Sports Medicine 2015:43(4):912-920
Consequences of tibial tunnel reaming on the meniscal roots during cruciate ligament reconstruction in a cadaveric model, part 2 - the posterior cruciate ligament
LaPrade, Christopher M; Smith, Sean D; Rasmussen, Matthew T; Hamming, Mark G; Wijdicks, Coen A; Engebretsen, Lars; Feagin, John A; LaPrade, Robert F
American Journal of Sports Medicine 2015:43(1):207-212
Meniscal root tears: a classification system based on tear morphology
LaPrade, Christopher M; James, Evan W; Cram, Tyler R; John, A. Feagin; Engebretsen, Lars; LaPrade, Robert F
American Journal of Sports Medicine 2015:43(2):363-369
Clinically relevant anatomy and what anatomic reconstruction means
LaPrade, Robert F; Moulton, Samuel G; Nitri, Marco; Mueller, Werner; Engebretsen, Lars
Knee Surgery, Sports Traumatology, Arthroscopy 2015:23(10):2950-2959
Patient demographics and surgical characteristics in ACL revision: a comparison of French, Norwegian, and North American cohorts
Magnussen, Robert A; Trojani, Christophe; Granan, Lars-Petter; Neyret, Philippe; Colombet, Philippe; Engebretsen, Lars; Wright, Rick W; Kaeding, Christopher C; MARS Group; SFA Revision ACL Group
Knee Surgery, Sports Traumatology, Arthroscopy 2015:23(8):2339-2348
Registry data highlight increased revision rates for endobutton/biosure HA in ACL reconstruction with hamstring tendon autograft: a nationwide cohort study from the Norwegian Knee Ligament Registry, 2004-2013
Persson, Andreas; Kjellsen, Asle B; Fjeldsgaard, Knut; Engebretsen, Lars; Espehaug, Birgitte; Fevang, Jonas M
American Journal of Sports Medicine 2015:43(9):2182-2188
Sports injuries and illnesses in the Sochi 2014 Olympic Winter Games
Soligard, Torbjørn; Steffen, Kathrin; Palmer-Green, Debbie; Aubry, Mark; Grant, Marie-Elaine; Meeuwisse, Willem; Mountjoy, Margo; Budgett, Richard; Engebretsen, Lars
British Journal of Sports Medicine 2015:49(7):441-447
The protection of clean athletes through the IOC research fund
Budgett, Richard; Engebretsen, Lars
British Journal of Sports Medincine 2015:49(1):2
Posterior tibial tendon transfer improves function for foot drop after knee dislocation
Molund, Marius; Engebretsen, Lars; Hvaal, Kjetil; Hellesnes, Jan; Husebye, Elisabeth E
Clin Orthop Relat Res 2014:472:2637–2643.
Defining the presence of radiographic knee osteoarthritis: a comparison between the Kellgren and Lawrence system and OARSI atlas criteria
Culvenor, Adam G; Engen, Cathrine N; Øiestad, Brit Elin; Engebretsen, Lars; Arna Risberg, May Arna
Knee Surgery Sports Traumatology Arthroscopy 2015:23(12):3532-3539
Structural Properties of the Meniscal Roots
Ellman, Michael B; LaPrade, Christopher M; Smith, Sean D; Rasmussen, Matthew T; Engebretsen, Lars; Wijdicks, Coen A; LaPrade, Robert F
American Journal of Sports Medicine 2014:42(8):1881-1887
The IOC Centres of Excellence bring prevention to Sports Medicine
Engebretsen, Lars; Bahr, Roald; Cook, Jill; Derman, Wayne; Emery, Carolyn; Finch, Caroline; Meeuwisse, Willem; Schwellnus, Martin; Steffen, Kathrin
British Journal of Sports Medicine 2014:48(17):1270-1275
Lower risk of revision with patellar tendon autografts compared with hamstring autografts - a registry study based on 45,998 primary ACL reconstructions in Scandinavia
Gifstad, Tone; Foss, Olaf A; Engebretsen, Lars; Lind, Martin; Forssblad, Magnus; Albrektsen, Grethe; Drogset, Jon Olav
American Journal of Sports Medicine 2014:42(10):2319-2328
Posterior cruciate ligament graft fixation angles, part 1 - biomechanical evaluation for anatomic single-bundle reconstruction
Kennedy, Nicholas I; LaPrade, Robert F; Goldsmith, Mary T; Faucett, Scott C; Rasmussen, Matthew T; Coatney, Garret A; Engebretsen, Lars; Wijdicks, Coen A
American Journal of Sports Medicine 2014:42(10):2338-2345
Posterior cruciate ligament graft fixation angles, part 2 - biomechanical evaluation for anatomic double-bundle reconstruction
Kennedy, Nicholas I; LaPrade, Robert F; Goldsmith, Mary T; Faucett, Scott C; Rasmussen, Matthew T; Coatney, Garret A; Engebretsen, Lars; Wijdicks, Coen A
American Journal of Sports Medicine 2014:42(10):2346-2355
Anatomy of the anterior root attachments of the medial and lateral menisci - a quantitative analysis
LaPrade, Chrisopher M; Ellman, Michael B; Rasmussen, Matthew T; James, Even W; Wijdicks, Coen A; Engebretsen, Lars; LaPrade, Robert F
American Journal of Sports Medicine 2014:42(10):2386-2392
Anterior medial meniscal root avulsions due to malposition of the tibial tunnel during anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction: two case reports
LaPrade, Christopher M; James, Evan W; Engebretsen, Lars; LaPrade, Robert F
Knee Surgery, Sports Traumatology, Arthroscopy 2014:22(5):1119-1123
Self-reported knee function can identify athletes who fail return-to-activity criteria up to 1 year after ACL reconstruction: a Delaware-Oslo ACL cohort study
Logerstedt, David; Di Stasi, Stephanie; Grindem, Hege; Lynch, Andrew: Eitzen, Ingrid; Engebretsen, Lars; Risberg, MAy Arna; Axe, Michael J; Snyder-Mackler, Lynn
Journal of Orthopedic and Sports Physical Therapy 2014:44(12):914-923
Consensus statement on concussion in sport: the 4th International Conference on Concussion in Sport held in Zurich, November 2012
McCrory, Paul; Meeuwisse, Willem; Aubry, M; Cantu, B; Dvorak, Jiri; Echemendia, RJ; Engebretsen, Lars; Johnston, K; Kutcher, JS; Raftery, M; Sills, A; Benson, BW; Davis, GA; Ellenbogen, RG; Guskiewicz, K; Herring, SA; Iverson, GL; Jordan, BD; Kissick, J; McCrea, M; McIntosh, AS; Maddocks, D; Makdissi, M; Purcell, L; Putukian, M; Schneider, K; Tator, CH; Turner, M
British Journal of Sports Medicine 2013:47(5):250-258
The importance of sports medicine for the Sochi Games
Steffen, Kathrin; Engebretsen, Lars
British Journal of Sports Medicine 2014:48(1):1-2
Microfracture technique versus osteochondral autologous transplantation mosaicplasty in patients with articular chondral lesions of the knee: a prospective randomized trial with long-term follow-up
Ulstein, Svend; Årøen, Asbjørn; Røtterud, Jan Harald; Løken, Sverre; Engebretsen, Lars; Heir, Stig
Knee Surgery, Sports Traumatology, Arthroscopy 2014:22(6):1207-1215
The London 2012 Summer Olympic Games: an analysis of usage of the Olympic village ‘Polyclinic’ by competing athletes
Vanhegan, Ivor S; Palmer-Green, Debbie; Soligard, Torbjørn; Steffen, Kathrin; O’Connor, Philip; Bethapudi, Sarath; Budgett, Richard; Haddad, Farres S; Engebretsen, Lars
British Journal of Sports Medicine 2013:47(7):415-419.
High prevalence of overuse injury among iron-distance triathletes
Andersen, Christian; Clarsen, Ben; Johansen, Tone; Engebretsen, Lars
British Journal of Sports Medicine 2013:47(13):857-61
Biomechanical comparison of interference screws and combination screw and sheath devices for soft tissue anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction on the tibial side
Aga, Cathrine; Rasmussen, Matthew T; Smith, Sean D; Jansson, Kyle S; LaPrade, Robert F; Engebretsen, Lars; Wijdicks, Coen A
American Journal of Sports Medicine 2013:41(4):841-848
An isolated rupture of the posterior cruciate ligament results in reduced preoperative knee function in comparison with an anterior cruciate ligament injury
Årøen, Asbjørn; Sivertsen, EA; Owesen C; Engebretsen, Lars; Granan, Lars Petter
Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc 2013:21(5):1017-1022
Kinematic analysis of the posterior cruciate ligament, part 2: a comparison of anatomic single- versus double-bundle reconstruction
Wijdicks, Coen A; Kennedy, Nicholas I; Goldsmith, Mary T; Devitt, Brian; Michalski, Max P; Årøen, Asbjørn; Engebretsen, Lars; LaPrade, Robert F
American Journal of Sports Medicine 2013:41(12):2839-2848
Sports injuries and illnesses during the London Summer Olympic Games 2012
Engebretsen, Lars; Soligard, Torbjørn; Steffen, Kathrin; Alonso, Juan Manuel; Aubry, Mark; Budgett, Richard; Dvorak, Jiri; Jegathesan, Manikavasagam; Meeuwisse, Willem H; Mountjoy, Margo; Palmer-Green, Debbie; Vanhegan, Ivor; Renström, Per A
British Journal of Sports Medicine 2013:47(7):407-414
Sport-specific injury pattern recorded during anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction
Granan, Lars Petter; Inacio, MC; Maletis, GB; Funahashi, TT; Engebretsen, Lars
American Journal of Sports Medicine 2013:41(12):2814-2818
Kinematic analysis of the posterior cruciate ligament, part 1: the individual and collective function of the anterolateral and posteromedial bundles
Kennedy, Nicholas I; Wijdicks, Coen A; Goldsmith, Mary T; Michalski, Max P; Devitt, Brian M; Årøen, Asbjørn; Engebretsen, Lars; LaPrade, Robert F
American Journal of Sports Medicine 2013:41(12):2828-2838
Functional outcomes following a non-operative treatment algorithm for anterior cruciate ligament injuries in skeletally immature children 12 years and younger. A prospective cohort with 2 years follow-up
Moksnes, Håvard; Engebretsen, Lars; Eitzen, Ingrid; Risberg, May Arna
British Journal of Sports Medicine 2013:47(8):488-494
Effect of meniscal and focal cartilage lesions on patient-reported outcome after anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction - A nationwide cohort study from Norway and Sweden of 8476 patients with 2-year follow-up
Røtterud, Jan Harald; Sivertsen, Einar A; Forssblad, Magnus; Engebretsen, Lars; Årøen, Asbjørn
American Journal of Sports Medicine 2013:41(3):535-43
Overtreatment of cruciate ligament injuries
Løken, Sverre; Årøen, Asbjørn; Engebretsen, Lars
Acta Orthopaedica 2011:82(1):122
Comparison of Community-Based ACL Reconstruction Registries in the US. and Norway
Maletis, Gregory B; Granan, Lars-Petter; Inacio, Maria CS; Funahashi, Tadashi T; Engebretsen, Lars
Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery. American volume 2011:93:Suppl 3(E):31-36
The current evidence for treatment of ACL injuries in children is low: a systematic review
Moksnes, Håvard; Engebretsen, Lars; Risberg, May Arna
Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery. American volume 2012:94(12):1112-1119
Management of anterior cruciate ligament injuries in skeletally immature individuals
Moksnes, Håvard; Engebretsen, Lars; Risberg, May Arna
Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy 2012:42(3):172-183
Patients with focal full-thickness cartilage lesions benefit less from ACL reconstruction at 2-5 years follow-up
Røtterud, Jan Harald; Risberg, May Arna; Engebretsen, Lars, Arøen Asbjørn
Knee Surgery, Sports Traumatology, Arthroscopy 2012:20(8):1533-1539
Sport injuries and illnesses during the first Winter Youth Olympic Games 2012 in Innsbruck, Austria
Ruedl, Gerhard; Schobersberger, Wolfgang; Pocecco, Elena; Blank, Cornelia; Engebretsen, Lars; Soligard, Torbjørn; Steffen, Kathrin; Kopp, Martin; Burtscher, Martin
British Journal of Sports Medicine 2012:46(15):1030-37
Health protection of the Olympic athlete
Steffen, Kathrin; Soligard, Torbjørn; Engebretsen, Lars
British Journal of Sports Medicine 2012:46(7):466–470
Registration rate in the Norwegian Cruciate Ligament Register: large-volume hospitals perform better
Ytterstad, Karianne; Granan, Lars-Petter; Ytterstad, Borge; Steindal, Kjersti; Fjelsgaard, Knut Andreas; Furnes, Ove Furnes, Engebretsen, Lars
Acta Orthopaedica 2012:83(2):174–178
International Olympic Committee consensus statement on the health and fitness of young people through physical activity and sport
Mountjoy, M; Andersen, LB; Armstrong, N; Biddle, S; Boreham, C; Bedenbeck, HP; Ekelund, U; Engebretsen, L; Hardman, K; Hills, AP; Kahlmeier, S; Kriemler, S; Lambert, E; Ljungqvist, A; Matsudo, V; McKay, H; Micheli, L; Pate, R; Riddoch, C; Schamasch, P; Sundberg, CJ; Tomkinson, G; van Sluijs E; van Mechelen, W
British Journal of Sports Medicine 2011:45(11):839-848.
Occurrence of injuries and illnesses during the 2009 IAAF World Athletics Championships
Alonso, Juan-Manuel; Tscholl, Philippe M; Engebretsen, Lars; Mountjoy, Margo; Dvorak, Jiri; Junge, Astrid
British Journal of Sports Medicine 2010;44(15):1100-1105
Fit for the fight? Illnesses in the Norwegian team in the Vancouver Olympic Games
Hanstad, Dag Vidar; Rønsen, Ola; Andersen, Svein; Steffen, Kathrin; Engebretsen, Lars
British Journal of Sports Medicine 2011:45(7):571-575
Cartilage repair in the rabbit knee: mosaic plasty resulted in higher degree of tissue filling but affected subchondral bone more than microfracture technique :A blinded, randomized, controlled, long-term follow-up trial in 88 knees
Heir, Stig; Arøen, Asbjørn; Løken, Sverre; Holme, Ingar; Engebretsen, Lars; Reinholt, Finn
Knee Surgery, Sports Traumatololgy, Arthroscopy 2012:20(2):197-209
Estimating anterior tibial translation from model-based image-matching of a noncontact anterior cruciate ligament injury in professional football: a case report
Koga, Hideyuki; Bahr, Roald; Myklebust, Grethe; Engebretsen, Lars; Grund, Thomas; Krosshaug, Tron
Clinical Journal of Sport Medicine 2011:21(3):271-274
Tenocyte apoptosis in the torn rotator cuff: a primary or secondary pathological event?
Lundgreen, Kirsten; Lian, Øystein; Engebretsen, Lars; Scott, Alex
British Journal of Sports Medicine 2011:45(13):1035-1039
Responsibility of sport and exercise medicine in preventing and managing chronic disease: applying our knowledge and skill is overdue
Matheson, GO; Klügl, M; Dvorak, Jiri; Engebretsen, Lars; Meeuwisse, Willem H; Schwellnus, M; Blair, SN; van Mechelen, Willem; Derman, W; Börjesson, M; Bendiksen, Fredrik; Weiler, R
British Journal of Sports Medicine 2011:45(16):1272-1282
Fitness and health of children through sport: the context for action
Micheli, L; Mountjoy, M; Engebretsen, Lars; Hardman, K; Kahlmeier, S; Lambert, E; Ljungqvist, A; Matsudo, V; McKay, H; Sundberg, CJ
British Journal of Sports Medicine 2011:45(11):931-936
Kinematics analysis of ankle inversion ligamentous sprain injuries in sports: 2 cases during the 2008 Beijing Olympics
Mok, Kam-Ming; Fong, Daniel Tik-Pui; Krosshaug, Tron; Engebretsen, Lars; Hung, Aaron See-Long; Yung, Patrick Shu-Hang; Chan, Kai-Ming
American Journal of Sports Medicine 2011:39(7):1548-1552
Effect of gender and sports on the risk of full-thickness articular cartilage lesions in anterior cruciate ligament-injured knees: a nationwide cohort study from Sweden and Norway of 15 783 patients
Røtterud, Jan Harald; Sivertsen, EA; Forsblad, Magnus; Engebretsen, Lars; Årøen, Asbjørn
American Journal of Sports Medicine 2011:39(7):1387-1394
The IOC's endeavour to protect the health of the athlete continues
Steffen, Kathrin; Soligard, Torbjørn; Engebretsen, Lars
British Journal of Sports Medicine 2011:45(7):551-552
The Youth Olympic Games and a new awakening for sports and exercise medicine
Steffen, Kathrin; Engebretsen, Lars
British Journal of Sports Medicine 2011:45(16):1251-1252
Prevention and management of knee osteoarthritis and knee cartilage injury in sports
Takeda, Hideki; Nakagawa, N; Nakamura, K; Engebretsen, Lars
British Journal of Sports Medicine 2011:45(4):304-309
IOC consensus paper on the use of platelet-rich plasma (PRP) in sports medicine
Engebretsen, Lars; Steffen, Kathrin; Alsousou, Joseph; Anitua, Eduardo; Bachl, Norbert; Devilee, Roger; Everts, Peter; Hamilton, Bruce; Huard, Johnny; Jenoure, Peter; Kelberine, Francois; Kon, Elizaveta; Maffulli, Nicolla; Matheson, Gordon; Mei-Dan, Omer; Menetrey, Jacques; Philippon, Marc; Randelli, Pietro; Schamasch, Patrick; Schwellnus, Martin; Vernec, Alan; Verrall, Geoffrey
British Journal of Sports Medicine 2010:44(15):1072-1081
To PRP or not?
Engebretsen, Lars; Steffen, Kathrin
British Journal of Sports Medicine 2010:44(15):1071
Intrinsic risk factors for groin injuries among male soccer players: a prospective cohort study
Engebretsen, Anders; Myklebust, Grethe; Holme, Ingar; Engebretsen, Lars; Bahr, Roald
Americal Journal of Sports Medicine 2010:38(10):2051-2057
Intrinsic risk factors for hamstring injuries among male soccer players: a prospective cohort study
Engebretsen, Anders; Myklebust, Grethe; Holme, Ingar; Engebretsen, Lars; Bahr, Roald
American Journal of Sports Medicine 2010:38(6):1147-1153
The International Olympic Committee Consensus Statement on age determination in high-level young athletes
Engebretsen, Lars; Steffen, Kathrin; Bahr, Roald; Broderick, Carolyn; Dvorak, Jiri; Janarv, Per-Mats; Johnson, Amanda; Leglise, Michel; Mamisch, Tallal Charles; McKay, Damien; Micheli, Lyle; Schamasch, Patrick; Singh, Gurcharan Dato; Stafford, Diane EJ; Sten, Harald
British Journal of Sports Medicine 2010:44:476-486
Rugby in Rio 2016!
Engebretsen, Lars; Steffen, Kathrin
British Journal of Sports Medicine 2010:44(3):157
Sports injuries and illnesses during the Winter Olympic Games 2010
Engebretsen, Lars; Steffen, Kathrin; Alonso, Juan Manuel; Aubry, Mark; Dvorak, Jiri; Junge, Astrid; Meeuwisse, Willem; Mountjoy Margo; Renström, Per; Wilkinson, Mike
British Journal of Sports Medicine 2010:44(11):772-780
We are getting there
Engebretsen, Lars; Steffen, Kathrin
British Journal of Sports Medicine 2010:44(11):771
Cross-cultural comparison of patients undergoing ACL reconstruction in the United States and Norway
Magnussen, Robert A; Granan Lars-Petter; Dunn, Warren R; Amendola, Annunziato; Andrish, Jack T; Brophy, Robert; Carey, James L; Flanigan, David; Huston, Laura J; Jones, Morgan; Kaeding, Christopher K; McCarty, Eric C; Marx, Robert G; Matava, Matthew; Parker, Richard D; Vidal, Armandon; Wolcott, Michelle; Wolf, Brian R; Wright, Rick W; Spindler, Kurt P; Engebretsen, Lars
Knee Surgery Sports Traumatology Arthroscopy 2010:18(1):98–105
Focal cartilage defects in the knee impair quality of life as much as severe osteoarthritis: a comparison of knee injury and osteoarthritis outcome score in 4 patient categories scheduled for knee surgery
Heir, Stig; Nerhus, Tor K; Røtterud, Jan Harald; Løken, Sverre; Ekeland, Arne; Engebretsen, Lars; Årøen, Asbjørn
American Journal of Sports Medicine 2010:38(2):231-237
Mechanisms for noncontact anterior cruciate ligament injuries knee joint kinematics in 10 injury situations from female team handball and basketball
Koga, Hideyuki; Nakamae, Atsuo; Shima, Yosuke Shima; Iwasa, Junji; Mykelbust, Grethe; Engebretsen, Lars; Bahr, Roald; Krosshaug, Tron
American Journal of Sports Medicine 2010:38(11):2218-2225
More data needed on injury risk among young elite athletes
Steffen, Kathrin; Engebretsen, Lars
British Journal of Sports Medicine 2010:44(7):485-489
Intrinsic risk factors for acute knee injuries among male football players: a prospective cohort study
Engebretsen, Anders; Myklebust, Grethe; Holme, Ingar; Engebretsen, Lars; Bahr, Roald
Scandinavian Journal of Medicine & Science in Sports 2011:21(5):645-652
The importance of sports medicine for the Vancouver Olympic Games
Engebretsen, Lars; Steffen, Kathrin
British Journal of Sports Medicine 2009:43:961-962.
Timing of anterior cruciate ligament reconstructive surgery and risk of cartilage lesions and meniscal tears: a cohort study based on the Norwegian National Knee Ligament Registry
Granan, Lars-Petter; Bahr, Roald; Lie, Stein Atle; Engebretsen, Lars
American Journal of Sports Medicine 2009:37(5):955-961
The Scandinavian ACL registries 2004-2007: baseline epidemiology
Granan, Lars-Petter; Forssblad, Magnus; Lind, Martin; Engebretsen, Lars
Acta Orthopaedica 2009:80(5):563-567
Full-thickness cartilage lesion do not affect knee function in patients with ACL injury
Hjermundrud, Vegar; Bjune, Tonje Kvist; Risberg, May Arna; Engebretsen, Lars; Aarøen, Asbjørn
Knee Surgery, Sports Traumatology, Athroscopy 2010:18(3):298-303
Sports injuries during the Summer Olympic Games 2008
Junge, Astrid; Engebretsen, Lars; Mountjoy, Margo; Alonso, Juan Manuel; Renström, Per; Aubry, Marc John; Dvorjak, Jiri
American Journal of Sports Medicine 2009:(11):2165-2172
Clinical studies on posterior cruciate ligament tears have weak design
Watsend, Anne Marie Eriksen; Osestad, Toril MØ; Jacobsen, Rune B; Engebretsen, Lars
Knee Surgery, Sports Traumatology, Arthroscopy 2009:17(2):140-149
Intrinsic risk factors for acute ankle injuries among male soccer players: a prospective cohort study
Engebretsen, Anders; Myklebust, Grethe; Holme, Ingar; Engebretsen, Lars; Bahr, Roald
Scandinavian Journal of Medicine & Science in Sports 2010:20(3):403-10
Prevention of injuries among male soccer players
Engebretsen Anders, Myklebust Grethe, Holme Ingar, Engebretsen Lars, Bahr Roald
A prospective, randomized intervention study targeting players with previous injuries or reduced function. American Journal of Sports Medicine 2008. Doi:10.1177/0363546508314432. ISSN 0363-5465.
Force Measurements on the Posterior Oblique Ligament and Superficial Medial Collateral Ligament Proximal and Distal Divisions to Applied Loads
Griffith, CJ; Wijdicks, CA; Laprade, Robert F; Armitage, BM; Johansen, Steinar; Engebretsen, Lars
American Journal of Sports Medicine 2009:37(1):140-148
Clinical application of scaffolds for cartilage tissue engineering
Iwasa, Junji; Engebretsen, Lars; Shima, Yosuke; Ochi, Mitsuo
Knee Surgery, Sports Traumatology, Arthroscopy 2009:17(6):561-577
Injury surveillance in multi-sport events: the International Olympic Committee approach
Junge, Astrid; Engebretsen, Lars; Alonso, Juan Manuel; Renström, Per; Mountjoy, Margo; Aubry, Mark; Dvorak, Jiri
British Journal of Sports Medicine 2008:(6):413-421
The effect of a proximal tibial medial opening wedge osteotomy on posterolateral knee instability: a biomechanical study
LaPrade, Robert F; Engebretsen, Lars; Johansen, Steinar; Wentorf, Fred A; Kurtenbach, C
American Journal of Sports Medicine 2008:36(5):956-960
Prevalence of jumper´s knee among elite athletes from different sports: a cross-sectional study
Lian, Øystein; Engebretsen, Lars; Bahr, Roald
American Journal of Sports Medicine 2005:33(4):561-567
Bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells in a hyaluronan scaffold for treatment of an osteochondral defect in a rabbit model
Løken, Sverre; Jakobsen, Rune B; Arøen, Asbjørn; Heir, Stig; Shahdadfar, Aboulghassem; Brinchmann, Jan E; Engebretsen, Lars; Reinholt, Finn P
Knee Surgery, Sports Traumatology, Arthroscopy 2008:16(10):896-903
Performance-based functional outcome for children 12 years or younger following anterior cruciate ligament injury: a two to nine-year follow-up study
Moksnes, Håvard; Engebretsen, Lars; Risberg May Arna
Knee Surgery, Sports Traumatology, Arthroscopy 2008:16(3):214-223
Non-contact ACL injuries in female athletes: an International Olympic Committee current concept statement
Renström, Per; Ljungqvist, Arne; Arendt, Elisabeth; Beynnon, Bruce; Fukubayashi, T; Garrett, W; Georgoulis T; Hewett, Tim; Johnson, R; Krosshaug, Tron; Mandelbaum, Bert; Micheli, L; Myklebust, Grethe; Roos, Eva; Roos, Harald; Schamasch, Patrik; Shultz, Sandra; Werner, Susanne; Wojtys, E; Engebretsen, Lars
British Journal of Sports Medicine 2008:42(6):394-412
Use of bisphosphonates for the treatment of stress fractures in athletes
Shima, Yosuke; Engebretsen, Lars; Iwasa, Junji; Kitaoka, Katsuhiko; Tomito, Katsuro
Knee Surgery, Sports Traumatology, Artoroscopy 2009:17(5):542-550
Direction of the load on the elbow of the ball blocking handball goalie
Akgun, A; Karahan, Mustafa; Tiryaki, Cetin; Erol, Bulent; Engebretsen, Lars
Knee Surgery Sports Traumatology Arthroscopy 2008:16(5):522-30
Prevention of hamstring strains in elite soccer: an intervention study
Arnason, Arni; Andersen, Thor Einar; Holme, Ingar; Engebretsen, Lars; Bahr, Roald
Scandinavian Journal of Medicine & Science in Sports 2008:18(1):40-48
Articular cartilage lesions in 993 consecutive knee arthroscopies
Årøen, Asbjørn; Løken, Sverre; Heir, Stig; Alvik, Elling; Ekeland, Arne; Granlund, Odd G; Engebretsen, Lars
American Journal of Sports Medicine 2004:32(1):211-215
Evaluation and treatment of acute ankle sprains
Bahr, Roald; Engebretsen, Lars
EFORT, European Instructional Course Lectures, 2003, Volume 6
Prevention of injuries among male football players-a prospective randomized intervention study targeting players with previous injuries or reduced function
Engebretsen, Anders Hauge; Myklebust, Grethe; Holme, Ingar; Engebretsen, Lars; Bahr, Roald
In: 1st World Congress on Sports Injury Prevention, Oslo
Development of a National Cruciate Ligament Surgery Registry: The Norwegian National Knee Ligament Registry
Granan, Lars Petter; Bahr, Roald; Steindal, K; Furnes, ON; Engebretsen, Lars
American Journal of Sports Medicine 2008:36(2):308-315
Retention rate of periostal flaps in an experimental rabbit model
Heir, Stig; Årøen, Asbjørn; Løken, Sverre; Reinholt, Finn; Engebretsen, Lars
15th International Congress on Skiing Trauma and Skiing Safety, St. Moritz/Pontresina, Switzerland, April 27 - May 2, 2003
An analysis of the quality of cartilage repair studies - an update
Jakobsen, Rune; Engebretsen, Lars
ISAKO Current Concepts 2007:1-4
A randomized trial comparing autologous chondrocyte implantation with microfracture. Findings at five years
Knutsen, Gunnar; Drogset, Jon Olav; Engebretsen, Lars; Grøntvedt, Torbjørn; Isaksen, Vidar; Ludvigsen, Tom C; Roberts, S; Solheim, Erik; Strand, Torbjørn; Johansen, Oddmund
Jornal of Bone and Joint Surgery, American volume 2007:89(10):2105-2112
Mechanisms of anterior cruciate ligament injury in basketball: video analysis of 39 cases
Krosshaug, Tron; Nakamae, Atsu; Boden, Barry P; Engebretsen, Lars; Smith, Gerald; Slauterback, James R; Hewett, Timothy E; Bahr, Roald
American Journal of Sports Medicine 2007:35(3):359-367
Estimating 3D joint kinematics from video sequences of running and cutting maneuvers-assessing the accuracy of simple visual inspection
Krosshaug, Tron; Nakamae, Atsu; Boden, Barry P; Engebretsen, Lars; Smith, Gerald; Slauterback, James R; Hewett, Timothy E; Bahr, Roald
Gait and Posture 2007:26(3):378-385
The anatomy of the medial part of the knee
Laprade, Robert F; Engebretsen, Anders H; Ly, Thuan V; Johansen, Steinar; Wentorf, Fred A; Engebretsen, Lars
Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery. American voume 2007:89(9):2000-2010
Pronociceptive and antinociceptive neuromediators in patellar tendinopathy
Lian, Øystein; Dahl, Johan; Ackerman, Paul; Frihagen, Frede; Engebretsen, Lars; Bahr, Roald
American Journal of Sports Medicine 2006:34(11):1801-1808
Excessive apoptosis in patellar tendinopathy in athletes
Lian, Øystein; Scott, A; Engebretsen, Lars; Bahr, Roald; Duronio, V; Khan, Karim
American Journal of Sports Medicine 2007:35(4):605-611
Autologous chondrocyte transplantation for the treatment of massive cartilage lesion of the distal tibia: a case report with 8-year follow-up
Nakamae, Atsuo; Engebretsen, Lars; Peterson, Lars
Knee Surgery, Sports Traumatology, Arthroscopy 2007:15(12):1469-1472
Neuromuscular Training Versus Strength Training During First 6 Months After Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction: A Randomized Clinical Trial
Risberg, May Arna; Holm, Inger; Myklebust, Grethe; Engebretsen, Lars
Physical Therapy 2007:87(6):737-750
Injuries in Norwegian female elite soccer: a prospective one-season cohort study
Tegnander, Agnar; Olsen, Odd-Egil; Moholdt, Trine; Engebretsen, Lars; Bahr, Roald
Knee Surgery, Sports Traumatology, Arthroscopy 2008:16(2):194-198
Injury pattern in youth team handball: a comparison of two prospective registration methods
Olsen, Odd-Egil; Myklebust, Grethe; Engebretsen, Lars; Bahr, Roald
Scandinavian Journal of Medicine & Science in Sports 2006:16(6):426-432
Healing of articular cartilage defects. An experimental study of vascular and minimal vascular microenvironment
Årøen, Asbjørn; Heir, Stig; Løken, Sverre; Engebretsen, Lars; Reinholt, Finn
Journal of Orthopaedic Research 2006:24(5):1069-1077
Surgical treatment compared with eccentric training for patellar tendinopathy (Jumper's Knee). A randomized, controlled trial
Bahr, Roald; Fossan, Bjørn; Løken, Sverre; Engebretsen, Lars
Journal of Bone & Joint Surgery (American Volume) 2006:88(8):1689-1698
Risiko for ankel-, kne,- hamstring og lyskeskader blant mannlige fotballspillere
Engebretsen, Anders Hauge; Myklebust, Grethe; Holme, Ingar; Engebretsen, Lars; Bahr, Roald
Norsk idrettsmedisin (21): Idrettsmedisinsk Høstkongress Hamar 2006. 01-11-2006 - 05-11-2006
Forebygging av skader blant mannlige fotballspillere-en prospektiv randomisert intervensjonsstudie
Engebretsen, Anders Hauge; Myklebust, Grethe; Holme, Ingar; Engebretsen, Lars; Bahr, Roald
Norsk Kirurgisk Høstmøte, Holmenkollen Park Hotell. 2006-10-23 - 2006-10-27
Understanding and preventing noncontact anterior cruciate ligament injuries - A review of the Hunt Valley II Meeting, January 2005
Griffin, LY; Albohm, Marjorie J; Arendt, Elizabeth; Bahr, Roald; Beynnon, Bruce; Demaio, M; Dick, Randall W; Engebretsen, Lars; Garrett Jr, William E; Hannafin, JA; Hewett, T.E; Huston, L.J; Ireland, M.L; Johnson, Robert J; Lephart, S; Mandelbaum, Bert; Mann, B.J; Marks, P.H; Marshall, Stephen; Myklebust, Grethe; Noyes, F.R; Powers, C; Shields jr, C; Shultz, S.J; Silvers, H; Slauterbeck, JR; Taylor, D.C; Teitz, C.C; Yu, B; Wojtys, E.M
American Journal of Sports Medicine 2006:34(9):1512-1532
Biomechanical analysis of anterior cruciate ligament injury mechanisms: three-dimensional motion reconstruction from video sequences
Krosshaug, Tron; Slauterbeck, James R; Engebretsen, Lars; Bahr, Roald
Scandinavian Journal of Medicine and Science in Sports 2007:17(5):508-519
Natural history of bone bruises after acute knee injury: clinical outcome and histopathological findings
Nakamae, Atsuo; Engebretsen, Lars; Bahr, Roald; Krosshaug, Tron; Ochi, Mitsuo
Knee Surgery, Sports Traumatology, Arthroscopy 2006:14(12):1252-1258
No effect of a video-based awareness program on the rate of soccer injuries
Arnason, Arni; Engebretsen, Lars; Bahr, Roald
American Journal of Sports Medicine 2005:33(1):77-84
Articular cartilage defects in a rabbit mode, retention rate of periosteal flap cover
Årøen, Asbjørn; Heir, Stig; Løken, Sverre; Reinholt, Finn P; Engebretsen, Lars
Acta Orthopaedica 2005:76(2):220-224
Kirurgisk behandling verus eksentrisk trening hos pasienter med patellar tendinopati (hopperkne)-en randomisert kontrollert studie
Bahr, Roald; Fossan, Bjørn; Løken, Sverre; Engebretsen, Lars
I: Norsk Idrettsmedisin 3, 17. ISSN 0806-9328. Idrettsmedisinsk Høstkongress Bergen. 03.-06.11.2005
An ounce of prevention?
Engebretsen, Lars; Bahr, Roald
British Journal of Sports Medicine 2005:39(6):312-313
Forebygging av skader blant mannlige fotballspillere-en prospektiv randomisert intervensjonsstudie
Engebretsen, Anders Hauge; Myklebust, Grethe; Holme, Ingar; Engebretsen, Lars; Bahr, Roald
I: Norsk Idrettsmedisin 3, 18. ISSN 0806-9328. Idrettsmedisinsk Høstkongress Bergen. 03.-06.11.2005
An analysis of the quality of cartilage repair studies
Jakobsen, Rune; Engebretsen, Lars; Slauterbeck, James
Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery – American Volume 2005:87(10):2232-2239
Prevalence of jumper´s knee among elite athletes from different sports: a cross-sectional study
Lian, Øystein; Engebretsen, Lars; Bahr, Roald
American Journal of Sports Medicine 2005:33(4):561-567
Exercises to prevent lower limb injuries in youth sports: cluster randomised controlled trial
Olsen, Odd-Egil; Myklebust, Grethe; Engebretsen, Lars; Holme, Ingar; Bahr, Roald
British Medical Journal 2005:330(7489):449
Rule violations as a cause of injuries in male Norwegian professional football: are the referees doing their job?
Andersen, Thor Einar; Engebretsen, Lars; Bahr, Roald
American Journal of Sports Medicine 2004:32(1):62S-68S
Mechanisms of head injuries in elite football
Andersen, Thor Einar; Arnason, Arni; Engebretsen, Lars; Bahr, Roald
British Journal of Sports Medicine 2004:38(6):690-696
Video analysis of injuries and incidents in Norwegian professional football
Andersen, Thor Einar; Tenga, Albin; Engebretsen, Lars; Bahr, Roald
British Journal of Sports Medicine 2004:38(5):626-631
Risk factors for injuries in soccer
Arnason, Arni; Sigurdsson, Stefan B; Gudmundsson, Arni; Holme, Ingar; Engebretsen, Lars; Bahr, Roald
American Journal of Sports Medicine 2004:32:5S-16S
A prospective video-based analysis of injury situations in elite male
Arnason, Arni; Engebretsen, Lars; Bahr, Roald
American Journal of Sports Medicine 2004:32(6):1459-1465
Kirurgi ved fremre korsbåndsskader i Norge
Granan, Lars-Petter; Engebretsen, Lars; Bahr, Roald
Tidsskrift for den Norske Lægeforening 2004:7:928-930
Injury mechanisms for ACL injuries in team handball: A systematic video analysis
Olsen, Odd-Egil; Myklebust, Grethe; Engebretsen, Lars; Bahr, Roald
American Journal of Sports Medicine 2004:32(4):1002-1012
Physical fitness, injuries, and team performance in soccer
Arnason, Arni; Sigurdsson, Stefan B; Gudmundsson, Arni; Holme, Ingar; Engebretsen, Lars; Bahr, Roald
Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise 2004:36(2):278-285
Clinical, functional, and radiologic outcome in team handball players 6 to 11 years after anterior cruciate ligament injury
Myklebust, Grethe; Holm, Inger; Mæhlum, Sverre; Engebretsen, Lars; Bahr, Roald
The American Journal of Sports Medicine 2003:31:981-989. ISSN 0363-5465.
Prevention of ACL injuries in female team handball players: A prospective intervention study over 3 seasons
Myklebust, Grethe; Engebretsen, Lars; Brækken, Ingeborg Hoff; Skjølberg, Arnhild; Olsen, Odd-Egil; Bahr, Roald
Clinical Journal of Sports Medicine 2003:13:71-78.
Football incident analysis: a new video based method to describe injury mechanisms in professional football
Andersen, Thor Einar; Larsen, Øyvind; Tenga, Albin; Engebretsen, Lars; Bahr, Roald
British Journal of Sports Medicine 2003:37(3):226-232.
Ingen effekt av et videobasert intervensjonsprogram på skadeinsidensen i fotball
Arnason, Arni; Engebretsen, Lars; Bahr, Roald
I: Norsk Idrettsmedisin: 18, 3. 18. ISSN 0806-9328. Idrettsmedisinsk høstkongress 2003, Stavanger, 2003-11-06 - 2003-11-09
Rule violation as a cause of injury in male Norwegian soccer-are the referees doing their job?
Bahr, Roald; Andersen, Thor Einar; Tenga, Albin; Engebretsen, Lars
I:Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise 35, 5 Suppl S279. American College of Sports Medicine 50th Annual Meeting San Francisco. 28.-31.05.2003. ISSN 0195-9131
Fremre korsbåndskirurgi i Norge - anno 2002
Granan, Lars-Petter; Engebretsen, Lars; Bahr, Roald
I: Norsk Idrettsmedisin. 18,3. 20. ISSN 0806-9328. Idrettsmedisinsk Høstkongress 2003, Stavanger, 2003-11-06 - 2003-11-09
Considerations on sample size and power calculations in randomized clinical trials
Karlsson, Jon; Engebretsen, Lars; Dainty, K; ISAKOS Scientific Committee
Arthroscopy 2003:19(9):997-999
The posterolateral attachments of the knee: a qualitative and quantitative morphologic analysis of the fibular collater
LaPrade, Robert F
American Journal of Sports Medicine 2003:31:854-860
En kvantitativ og kvalitativ anatomistudie av kneets medialside
LaPrade, Robert F; Ly, Tuawn; Kath, Melissa; Engebretsen, Anders Hauge; Johansen, Steinar; Engebretsen, Lars
I:Norsk Idrettsmedisin 18,3:22. Idrettsmedisinsk høstkongress 2003, Stavanger, 2003-11-06 - 2003-11-09
Performance characteristics of volleyball players with patellar tendinopathy
Lian, Øystein; Refsnes, Per Egil; Engebretsen, Lars; Bahr, Roald
American Journal of Sports Medicine 2003:31(3):408-413
Forebygging av kne- og ankelskader i norsk juniorhåndball; en randomisert kontrollert studie
Olsen, Odd-Egil; Myklebust, Grethe; Engebretsen, Lars; Holme, Ingar; Bahr, Roald
I: Norsk Idrettsmedisin. 18, 3. 24. Idrettsmedisinsk høstkongress 2003, Stavanger, 2003-11-06 - 2003-11-09
Relationship between floor type and risk of ACL injury in team handball
Olsen, Odd-Egil; Myklebust, Grethe; Engebretsen, Lars; Holme, Ingar; Bahr, Roald
Scandinavian Journal of Medicine and Science in Sports 2003:13(5):299-304
Prevention of ACL injuries in female team handball players : a prospective intervention study over 3 seasons
Myklebust, Grethe; Engebretsen, Lars; Brækken, Ingeborg Hoff; Skjølberg, Arnhild; Olsen, Odd-Egil; Bahr, Roald
I: Abstracts : 10th Congress European Society of Sports Traumatology, Knee Surgery and Arthroscopy. 67. Geneve: ESSKA 2000, 10th Congress European Society of Sports Traumatology, Knee Surgery and Arthroscopy [ESSKA 2002],Rome, 2002-04-23 - 2002-04-27
Fremre korsbåndskader i norsk kvinnehåndball - ett år etter
Myklebust, Grethe; Bahr, Roald; Engebretsen, Lars
. I: Norsk Idrettsmedisin. 17, 3. 26. ISSN 0806-9328. Idrettsmedisinsk høstkongress, Trondheim, 2002-10-31 - 2002-11-03
Regelbrudd som årsak til skader i fotball - gjør dommeren jobben sin? I: Norsk Idrettsmedisin
Andersen, Thor Einar; Tenga, Albin; Engebretsen, Lars; Bahr, Roald
17, 3. 17. ISSN 0806-9328. Idrettsmedisinsk Høstkongress, Trondheim, 2002-10-31 - 2002-11-03
Prospektiv videoanalyse av skader og hendelser i Tippeligaen 2000 - football incident analysis (FIA)
Andersen, Thor Einar; Larsen, Øyvind; Tenga, Albin; Engebretsen, Lars; Bahr, Roald
I: Norsk Idrettsmedisin. 17, 3. 17. ISSN 0806-9328. Idrettsmedisinsk høstkongress, Trondheim, 2002-10-31 - 2002-11-03
Forebygging av hamstringstrekk i fotball
Arnason, Arni; Andersen, Thor Einar; Gudmundsson, Arni; Eyjolfsson, Bjørgvin; Sigurdsson, Stefan B; Engebretsen, Lars; Bahr, Roald
I: Norsk Idrettsmedisin. 17, 3. 17. ISSN 0806-9328. Idrettsmedisinsk høstkongress, Trondheim, 2002-10-31 - 2002-11-03
A model-based image-matching technique for 3D motion reconstruction from uncalibrated video sequences: application to ACL injury situations
Krosshaug, Tron; Heir, Stig; Engebretsen, Lars; Bahr, Roald
American Orthopaedic Society Sports Medicine, Orlando, 2002
Forebygging av skader i norsk elite kvinnefotball. Presentasjon av et oppvarmingsprogram
Tegnander, Agnar; Olsen, Odd-Egil; Holme, Ingar; Engebretsen, Lars; Bahr, Roald
I:Norsk Idrettsmedisin,17,3,29. Idrettsmedisinsk høstkongress, Trondheim, 2002-10-31 - 2002-11-03
Kliniske, funksjonelle og radiologiske konsekvenser 6-10 år etter en fremre korsbåndskade i håndball - en oppfølgingsstudie
Myklebust, Grethe; Holm, Inger; Mæhlum, Sverre; Engebretsen, Lars; Bahr,Roald
I: Norsk Idrettsmedisin (abstract nr 22). 16, 3. Medborgeren AS, ISSN 0806-9328. Norsk Idrettsmedisinsk Forenings høstkongress 2001, Holmenkollen Park Hotel Rica, Oslo, 2001-11-01 - 2001-11-04
Forebygging av korsbåndskader i norsk kvinnehåndball - en prospektiv undersøkelse over 3 sesonger
Myklebust, Grethe; Skjølberg, Arnhild; Olsen, Odd-Egil; Brækken, Ingeborg Hoff; Bahr, Roald; Engebretsen, Lars
I: Norsk Idrettsmedisin (abstract nr 21). 16, 3. Medborgeren AS, ISSN 0806-9328. Norsk Idrettsmedisinsk Forenings høstkongress 2001, Holmenkollen Park Hotel Rica, Oslo, 2001-11-01 - 2001-11-04
Kliniske, funksjonelle og radiologiske konsekvenser 6-10 år etter en fremre korsbåndskade i håndball - en oppfølgingsstudie
Myklebust, Grethe; Holm, Inger; Mæhlum, Sverre; Engebretsen, Lars; Bahr, Roald
I: Norsk Idrettsmedisin (abstract nr 22). 16, 3. Medborgeren AS, ISSN 0806-9328. Norsk Idrettsmedisinsk Forenings høstkongress 2001, Holmenkollen Park Hotel Rica, Oslo, 2001-11-01 - 2001-11-04
ACL injuries: is there any association between different floor types and the ACL incidence in matches? I: Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise
Myklebust, Grethe; Olsen, Odd-Egil; Engebretsen, Lars; Bahr, Roald
33, 5. S86. ACSM, ISSN 0195-9131. 48th Annual Meeting of the American College of Sports Medicine, Baltimore, 2001-05-30 - 2001-06-02
Skaderegistrering i Tippeligaen 2000
Andersen, Thor Einar; Engebretsen, Lars; Bahr, Roald
I: Norsk Idrettsmedisin (abstract nr 2). 16, 3. [2]. Medborgeren AS, ISSN 0806-9328. Norsk Idrettsmedisinsk Forenings høstkongress 2001, Oslo, 2001-11-01 - 2001-11-04
Individuelle risikofaktorer for skader i islandsk fotball
Arnason, Arni; Sigurdsson, Stefan B; Gudmundsson, Arni; Engebretsen, Lars; Bahr, Roald
I: Norsk Idrettsmedisin (abstract nr 3). 16, 2. Medborgeren AS, ISSN 0806-9328. Norsk Idrettsmedisinsk Forenings høstkongress, Holmenkollen Park Hotell Rica, Oslo, 2001-11-04
Injuries and incidents in Icelandic soccer - match analysis
Arnason, Arni; Engebretsen, Lars; Bahr, Roald
I: Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise. 33, 5. S6. ACSM, ISSN 0195-9131. 48th Annual Meeting of the American College of Sports Medicine, Baltimore, 2001-05-30 - 2001-06-02
Individuelle risikofaktorer for skader i islandsk fotball
Arnason, Arni; Sigurdsson, Stefan B; Gudmundsson, Arni; Engebretsen, Lars; Bahr, Roald
I: Norsk Idrettsmedisin (abstract nr 3).16, 2. Medborgeren AS, ISSN 0806-9328.Norsk Idrettsmedisinsk Forenings høstkongress, Holmenkollen Park Hotell Rica, Oslo, 2001-11-01 - 2001-11-04
The efficacy of wrist protectors in preventing snowboarding injuries
Rønning, Roar; Rønning, Irene; Gerner, Tom; Engebretsen, Lars
American Journal of Sports Medicine 2001:29(5):581-585
Er det blitt farligere i alpinbakkene?
Rønning, Roar; Gerner, Tom; Engebretsen, Lars
I: Norsk Idrettsmedisin (Abstract nr 25),16, 3. Medborgeren AS. Norsk Idrettsmedisinsk høstkongress, Holmenkollen, 2001-11-01 - 2001-11-04
Hvordan rapportere skadeincidens i aplpinanlegg
Rønning, Roar; Gerner, Tom; Engebretsen, Lars
I: Norsk Idrettsmedisin (Abstract nr 26) 16, 3. Medborgeren AS. Norsk Idrettsmedisinsk høstkongress, Holmenkollen, 2001-11-01 - 2001-11-04
Prevention of ACL injuries in female team handball players a prospective intervention study
Myklebust, Grethe; Engebretsen, Lars; Brækken, Ingeborg Hoff; Skjølberg, Arnhild; Olsen, Odd Egil; Bahr, Roald
Norsk Idrettsmedisin. Norsk Idrettsmedisinsk Forening/Medborgeren 15: 3, 29 Oslo 2000. Idrettsmedisinsk Høstkongress 2000. Lillehammer, 2.-5. november 2000.
ACL injury prevention exercises for team handball players - a video presentation
Myklebust, Grethe; Engebretsen, Lars; Brækken, Inegeborg Hoff; Skjølberg, Arnhild; Olsen, Odd-Egil; Bahr, Roald
Norsk Idrettsmedisin. Norsk Idrettsmedisinsk Forening/Medborgeren 15: 3, 29 Oslo 2000. Idrettsmedisinsk Høstkongress 2000. Lillehammer, 2.-5. november 2000.
Is there an association between floor type and ACL injury incidence in team handball? Norsk Idrettsmedisin
Myklebust, Grethe; Olsen, Odd-Egil; Engebretsen, Lars; Bahr, Roald
Norsk Idrettsmedisinsk Forening/Medborgeren 15: 3, 29 Oslo 2000. Idrettsmedisinsk Høstkongress 2000. Lillehammer, 2.-5. november 2000.
Injury mechanisms for ACL injuries in team handball - a video analysis
Olsen, Odd-Egil; Myklebust, Grethe; Engebretsen, Lars; Schølberg, Arnhild; Bahr, Roald
2000. ACSM 47th Annual Meeting. Indiana Convention Center, Indianapolis, Indiana, May 31 - June 3 2000.
Physical performance & team success in Icelandic soccer
Arnason, A; Sigurdsson, SB; Gudmundsson, A; Engebretsen, Lars; Bahr, Roald
Norsk Idrettsmedisin. Norsk Idrettsmedisinsk Forening/Medborgeren 15: 3, 15 Oslo 2000. Idrettsmedisinsk Høstkongress 2000. Lillehammer, 2.-5. november 2000.
Injuries and incidents in Icelandic soccer match analysis
Arnason, Arni; Engebretsen, Lars; Bahr, Roald
Norsk Idrettsmedisin. Norsk Idrettsmedisinsk Forening/Medborgeren 15: 2, 15 Oslo 2000. ISSN 0806-9328 Idrettsmedisinsk Høstkongress 2000. Lillehammer, 2.-5. november 2000
Articular cartilage lesions of the knee
Årøen, Asbjørn; Løken, Sverre; Alvik, A; Granlund, OG; Ekeland, Arne; Engebretsen, Lars
Book of Abstracts, ESSKA 2000. European Society of Sports Traumatology, Knee Surgery and Arthroscopy 99 London 2000. 9th Congress of the European Society of Sports Traumatology, Knee Surgery and Arthroscopy. London, Sept. 16-20, 2000
Risk of injury during alpine and telemark skiing and snowboarding. The equipment-specific distance-correlated injury index
Rønning, Roar; Gerner, Tom; Engebretsen, Lars
American Journal of Sports Medicine 2000:28(4):506-508
Prevention of ACL injuries in female team handball players - A compliance study
Brækken, Ingeborg Hoff; Engebretsen, Lars; Bahr, Roald; Myklebust, Grethe; Skjølberg, Arnhild; Olsen, Odd-Egil
Norsk Idrettsmedisin.Norsk Idrettsmedisinsk Forening/Medborgeren 15: 3, 17 Oslo 2000. Idrettsmedisinsk Høstkongress 2000. Lillehammer, 2.-5. november 2000
Et øvelsesopplegg for å forebygge fremre korsbåndskader i norsk kvinnehåndball - en videopresentasjon
Myklebust, Grethe; Engebretsen, Lars; Hoff, Ingeborg; Skjølberg, Arnhild; Austgulen, Ove; Olsen, Odd-Egil; Nettum, Lasse; Engell, Harald; Rørvik, H; Huseby, Knut; Breivik, Marit; Bahr, Roald
Norsk idrettsmedisin, 3, 1999. Idrettsmedisinsk høstkongress, Stavanger, November 4-7, 1999.
Skademekanismer for fremre korsbåndskader i håndball - en videopresentasjon
Olsen, Odd-Egil; Myklebust, Grethe; Engebretsen, Lars; Skjølberg, Arnhild; Bahr, Roald
I:Norsk Idrettsmedisin 1999;3:16. Medborgeren AS. Norsk Idrettsmedisinsk Forenings høstkongress 1999, Stavanger, 1999-11-04 - 1999-11-07
Injury Mechanisms for ACL injuries in Team Handball - A Video Analysis
Olsen, Odd-Egil; Myklebust, Grethe; Engebretsen, Lars; Skjølberg, Arnhild; Bahr, Roald
I:Abstracts Sports Medicine and Handball 1999; p.16-17. 4th Congress Sports Medicine and Handball 1999, Oslo, 1999-12-02 - 1999-12-04
Registration of cruciate ligament injuries in norwegian top level team handball
Myklebust, Grethe; Maehlum, Sverre; Engebretsen, Lars; Strand, T; Solheim, Erik
A prospective study covering two seasons. Scandinavian journal of Med Science and Sports 1997:7:289-292. ISSN 0905-7188.